Chapter 15: The Next Step

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Back before he enlisted, Dillon always found carriage rides boring. The way they moved so slow through the districts annoyed the hell out of him. Now, though, he didn't mind boring. It gave him time to process so many things, like the fact that he was going to introduce Annie to his family. He wasn't worried that they wouldn't like Annie; he was more concerned with how many jokes they were going to make at his expense.

Just roll with it. He coached himself. Besides, I'm an Amsdale. I can take a joke.

Yarckel was quite different from the other districts. Located on the west edge of Wall Sina, the town was where most of the industry happened. It wasn't just weapons being manufactured. Building materials for homes, packaging meat and other foods properly for the safety of the consumers, creating and fine-tuning the ODM gear, and much more. Considering how much the people of the Walls depended on these things, the workers were paid handsomely for their services. To many people, they have earned their keep.

Dillon's heart skipped a beat when he saw the familiar street. The reality of returning home was hitting him with the force of a Titan's fist. Three years was a long time, and he was worried about how things have changed. Still, part of his anxiety was curbed after seeing his mom in action. She still had it.

Once the carriage came to a complete stop in front of his house, Dillon opened the door, taking in the atmosphere of his old home. "Welcome to Amsdale's Forge, Annie!" He breathed in the familiar air and let it out. "It's good to be home."

Annie hopped out and looked up at the building. "Sure is nice to live in the Interior," she said in a bland tone.

"Well, that's what you get to look forward to now."

Annie smirked a bit. "That a proposal or are you just talking about the food?"

He tilted his head in confusion. "Uh, I meant since you're joining the Military Police, you get to live in the Interior."

"Too easy," she muttered.

"I don't understand," her clueless boyfriend said.

"Guess you don't." She put her hands in her pockets. "So, do we knock?"

"Considering that the bottom floor is the store, no." He opened the door, a bell ringing in response with his girlfriend following him quietly.

Finally, Annie found the person to put to his name. He had a very good physique, confirming that Dillon did indeed train under him. His brown hair was well-kept, and there was a small beard on his face. He managed to make the unshaven face look nice.

"Welcome to Amsdale's Forge! You looking to–" Matthew stopped what he was doing and stared at his son in surprise. "Dillon?"

"Hi, Dad. I'm home," he said sheepishly.

The older man closed the distance between them, wrapping him in a tight embrace. "Thank God you're all right!"

"I'm alive, Pops," he assured. "I'm alive."

Annie stared at the two quietly, an unmoving statue just standing in the entryway.

She got noticed when Matthew's eyes drifted to her. "Give me a second, Dillon." Releasing him, Matthew walked over to her while clearing his throat. "I'm sorry, Miss. How can I help you?"

Her reaction was delayed, as though he shook her out of a daze. Then, she looked him up and down. "I'm with him," she said with a jerk of her head.

Matthew's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait... you're Annie Leonhart? The one that my son liked to write about in his letters?"

"Didn't Mom tell you we were coming?" Dillon asked, confused.

"Of... Of course." The older man shook his head in annoyance. "I've been in the Forge too long." He held his hand out. "Matthew Amsdale."

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