Chapter 46: A Flawed Blacksmith

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Dillon would've been content holding Annie for as long as possible, but the doctors, his commanding officers, and, of course, Annie herself, prevented him from doing so. Sure, he was healing, though it wasn't enough to earn him a pass outside of the infirmary save for these mental sessions. Once again, the Psion found himself alone as he stared at the ceiling his mind racing from what he saw, what he experienced. It was no wonder how Annie ended up the girl she was now. To have that on her conscience was unthinkable, yet she had it. There was nothing he could do to make that pain go away. For now, at least, he was useless.

He didn't realize he fell asleep until his eyes opened. He was laying atop of soft grass in front of a rather large lake. For a moment, he thought he was near that lake he ran to after regaining consciousness from his father's assaults. However, the lake was much wider and trees were framed all around him. Either this was a very vivid dream, or he was back in Ymir's world. For all he knew, both were true. What surprised him was how the grass felt. Gone was the softness of that perfect area he was in before. This felt more real, the blades prickling his skin.

Instinct told him he wasn't alone. He looked left and saw the First Titan herself sitting against a thick, sturdy tree, seemingly not noticing him. Her eyes were closed as if sleeping or in a trance. He wondered, even in this state of being, if she could dream. If so, what would she dream about? What that was, Dillon didn't know, but he had a feeling it had something to do with the place they were in.

"Or you could ask me myself instead of formulating your own theories." Ymir's eyes opened as they drifted down to him sternly. "Staring at a woman like that is bound to get you into trouble in the real world."

Dillon's face turned red as he turned around sharply. Why couldn't he get a normal Titan instead of one who didn't understand the concept of clothes? And what kind of world was he living in where "normal Titan" was actually a thing? He briefly contemplated jumping into the lake to put himself out of his misery.

Unfortunately, a hand wrapping around him foiled his plans. "Now, now, there's no need to drown yourself on my account. I was just having some fun with you." She turned him back around so he could see her amused expression.

Dillon let out a frustrated sigh and tried to focus on something else, anything else. Fortunately, Ymir gave him an opening. "You can read my thoughts in here?"

"Well, I am taking residence in your mind," she reminded him before setting him down on the curve of her knee. "Now, then, take a few minutes to calm down. I find the tranquility of the lake's surface to do well in that endeavor."

He opened his mouth to protest, that he was fine, but if he was, he wouldn't be here. No use in arguing, especially with the Goddess of all Titans. So, he let out a sigh and stared at the lake. Not even five seconds had passed and already, he wanted to calm down the best way he knew how. "This area feels more natural than the first time you summoned me. This is from your memories, isn't it?"

"Yes," she confirmed softly, smiling in remembrance. "It was only a few miles from the castle, the perfect distance for peace and quiet. I came here so often that it was like my second home. This place allowed me to relax, sort out my problems and worries without the constant pressure of the crown bearing down on me."

"It must've been something, being the Queen of the Eldians and their Goddess," he commented.

Ymir didn't answer for a moment as she allowed the millennium-old memories to fill her thoughts. "It was an unexpected burden and responsibility. I didn't ask for it, yet it still came to me. However, there were moments of exhilaration. I mean, who wouldn't love to have the attention and worship of tens of thousands of people?"

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