chapter 23

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Nobody pov-

As babe and Charlie talk they found alot of things about each other and they smile and love it and want to talk more about it babe found out alot about charlie

And he loves hearing charlie voices and his moans but he will claim charlie again he likes being dominant

And being a powerful top to charlie he and charlie had wonderful talks and the waitresses was starting to giggle and found them as a cute gay couple

And they love when someone support their relationship and charlie said " calm down and don't think about the hater who said anything about us okay"

Babe sighs and said " I know but I don't want haters to hurt u cause they have a crush on me and I don't want anything to happen to u"

Charlie nods and he knew babe is trying to protect him but he wants babe to know that this is gonna happen alot and they shouldn't care about what others think

Charlie then sigh and said " We shouldn't care about what they think we should only care about what we think my love and u know that " babe sighs and nod he knew Charlie meant well

And he would do anything for charlie he would hurt them if he must he doesn't want anything or anyone hurting charlie they may had ups and downs but he will protect charlie no matter what happens

Charlie is his and he is charlie they are a marry couple for almost a week and they wanna be happy

As their food arrive and they ate and smile at each other and after their food babe grab Charlie chin and kiss him and Charlie kiss back and they kiss and kiss deeper and deeper and they love each other so much

They break the kiss and they got up and went back home in charlie car and they got out and babe and Charlie went in

And Charlie open the door and call people over and sonic said " surprised that I'm the first one here actually "

Babe nod and said " me to I'm surprised to " sonic pouted and babe smirked he likes teasing sonic and sonic roll his eyes as he pouts and he knew Babe was teasing but still

He then came in and said " let me guess a sleepover again " Charlie nod at sonic and said " always and forever we are gonna have a sleepover with everyone in the group " babe nod

They will always have a good group and spend time with them even if they are married they love each other but they also love their friends

Jeff then came next and said " so how's yall day" Charlie smile and said " We dealt with a karen" Jeff sighs and said " I hate when that happens " Charlie nod and him and Jeff both experienced Karen's before

But they are used to it even if they hate it they weren't gonna argue with the old woman they aren't rude like Karen's and they aren't ever gonna be rude they will continue to be kind and supportive to anyone

Babe look at chsrlie and Jeff and said " wait yall dealt with a Karen before " Jeff nod and said " hope mostly did because Karen's was blaming her because of her ex but u don't need to worry"

Babe look at them confused but didn't question it and he sigh and Charlie said " u will know soon babe"

Babe nod and see that Alan came and he said " I thought u weren't gonna come and u were gonna fix ur car " Alan shrug

Charlie pov-

I then whispered to Jeff and said " why is ur boyfriend late " Jeff shrug and said " I don't know"

I then nod and said " alright we have to wait for more people either way anyways Jeff let see of hope is up"

Jeff nod and walk behind me as we knock on hope room and hope open it and said " do yall need anything " I can see that she didn't get sleep

And I cross my arm and said " what time did I tell u to sleep" hope shrug and said " I don't know u didn't give me a sleep schedule "

Jeff chuckled that me and hope are kinda arguing I then sigh and said " what made u stay up" she yawns and said " I was looking at missing kids"

I look at her confused until she put out the paper and I widen my eyes and saw alot of missing kids and I then said " I guess u did have a reason to stay up "

Hope nod and I then sigh and I said " so are we back into finding crimes cus I did actually miss it even if it was kinda scary to me but I did miss it

Babe pov-

I then went on my laptop and search up alot of things and I then see my friends beside me and they were looking and I said " what is it"

Alan shrug and said " it surprised me that u aren't heartless anymore which that a mild stone " I then gave him a glare and I rolled my eyes

And said " what about it then plus I love charlie " Alan nod and said " we can see that u love him and I love Jeff we won't hurt them ever again right " I nod

We won't hurt them that hurt us if we hurt them and we won't ever let that happen again

I then said " anyways what did u do " Alan said  " I fixed the car " I then shake my head and smile and said " I knew u were gonna still fix that car"

Alan said " it has problems and u know I will fix it no matter what happens plus it my job I love fixing cars"

Babe nod in agreement and said " I know u do and I love riding them so we are kinda the same but u fix and I ride them" Alan nod

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