chapter 45 the end

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Nobody pov-

Charlie smile at everyone and said " to believe in love u have to trust ur soul and ur mind and u have to believe ur friends but my friends knows he great"

Jeff then said " for now if he hearts u he have to deal with hope and she can get mean when someone hurts her friends"

Charlie nod and said " so everyone I wanna ask u to say things about urselfs we gonna go around 1 times so let's get it started now "

Charlie then grab the hat fill with names and he then grab one piece of paper and he then open it and said " Alan I got a question "

Alan looks at charlie and said " yea?" Charlie smile and said " how do u feel being in a relationship with jeff"

Alan smile and said " it was good and will always be good" Charlie nod and said " I can't believe the others can't come "

Hope then shrug and said " we always plan our hang out so it's fine anyways who's next" Charlie then pull out a piece of paper and it said Jeff

Charlie smiles darkly and looks at Jeff and Jeff hide behind Alan like a cutie 💓 and charlie said " do u love alan"

Everyone was looking at Jeff and Jeff was shy but he said " I do and I will always love him" Jeff smile at Alan who smiled back at Jeff

And they were in love and charlie sigh and shake his head and said " smooth my friend smooth" babe then pull charlie collar

And charlie said " Yes babe do u need anything or do u like grabbing my collar " Charlie then kiss charlie lips And said " I love u but don't everyone love u tho"

Charlie face was red as tomato and Jeff said " well I knew that was going happen since yall been kissing in front of us for a year now"

Charlie then snap back in reality and said " anyways let's see who's next" everyone was waiting for charlie to pull a name out of the hat

And charlie did and it said " myself so who wanna ask me a question " Jeff said " I'm gonna get pay back do u love babe charlie"

Charlie then said " Yes I do he's my husband and he's my everything he cares about me and he gets worry about me if i do anything bad or get in trouble tho he punish me sometimes if he get mad but I love him"

Jeff then said " atleast yall love is real tho I can't believe yall almost been married for two months now so eight months before yall anniversary "

Charlie then said " Yeah but we made it work even if our relationship is a up and down " Jeff then said " Yeah we know yall fight and break up ohh I know that one song from Olivia Rodrigo "

Charlie then said " anyways moving on before I let u say something that I wanna smack u but don't because I'm to nice "

Hope then said " ur nice and mean it depends cuz anyways" babe then said " he's also nice when I fuck him"

Hope then throw a napkin at babe and said " tmi meaning to much information u should know u don't need to say ur sex to us "

Babe then grab charlie wrist and got charlie on his lap and charlie said " now babe-" before charlie can say something babe shake his head and said " let's not anyways ur cute but let continue the game since their only two people"

Charlie then said " one day ima get u for doing all of that but I do love u so u win for once "

Babe then smirk and said " Yeah I know u do I'm unresistable " Charlie then ignore him and said " anyways let continue the game "

Charlie then put his hand in the hat and he then grab the paper and said " babe ur turn"

Babe smile and hug behind charlie and said " what do u wanna ask " Charlie then said " do u love me"

Hope and Jeff both grab their popcorn as charlie ask this question it was creating the tension and it will be a good show and Alan look at them and smile at Jeff and shake his head

Charlie waited for babe answer and babe intertwined his hands to charlie hands and said " I will always love u charlie u been there for me and I broke up with u alot and I'm sorry that I did but I love u and I will continue to love u until the day we all die"

Charlie had tears in his eyes as babe kiss charlie and then pull away and they hug and Jeff whisper to Hope and said " I mean u are the only one single but this is a cute moment am I right or not"

Hope nod and said " they are great and will always be great " Jeff nod and said " like always ur right but I wonder who next gonna be In a relationship "

Hope then said " don't push it me and day and itt haven't talk in two week they are now angry at me but it been silence so I'll take it"

Jeff shake his head and then charlie said to Hope " do u love them but doesn't wanna tell them because u don't wanna be hurt like someone hurt u from the past"

Hope then said " Yes I do love them wait am I finally falling in love whats wrong with me " Jeff shake his head and said " nothing is wrong with u  it happens even tho we don't expect it" Hope nod

And babe nod at Alan And Alan said " anyways Jeff I wanna ask u a question "

Jeff look at Alan confused and said " yea what is it" Alan smile and grab a small box and kneel down on one knee

And hope and charlie smile at what they seeing and babe smirk and Alan said to Jeff " will u marry me? " Jeff nod and Alan put a ring on Jeff hand

And then Alan pull Jeff in the kiss and babe kiss charlie lips And forehead and hope said " look like a happy ending "

The end soon season 3 about alanjeff

babe x Charlie season 2Where stories live. Discover now