Chapter 4

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Stiles POV

The nightmare always started the same way. The sound of shattering glass and my mothers screams, I had leapt to my feet. Running into the kitchen to find a man with a mask on with a knife in his hand, panicking I yelled for my mom to run behind me. But the man was to fast to grab my mother's foot causing her to fall to the ground.

"Get away from her!" I yell and being only 14 at the time I had no idea what to do. So I too grabbed a knife and held it in front of my but the masked man didn't seem too alarmed.

"Stiles just run!" My mother cried as she was held by the throat from the man. "Please!" She whimpered as tears fell down her face. To see her tears set me off and a lunged forward heading for the man and brought him down to the floor with me. I could feel the knife cut my leg and I cried out as my mother scrambled out of the mans grasp. But it didn't take long the for the man to grab my by the throat in replace of my mother. I fought against him as he only shook his head.

"You'll be good.." He muttered before stabbing something into my leg, and my vision would turn red. I never remembered what happened next.

And I would wake up.

Covered in blood.

My mothers blood.

My mother was sprawled on the floor. Dead. But what made it worse was it wasn't only her, our neighbours were added to the pile causing my blood to freeze.

And a knife rested in my hands with it covered in blood.

Their blood.

And with that I ran, afraid of what happened. Afraid of what I did.

Because I was a monster.

I know what I did.

And I know what I'm supposed to do next.

With that I was awake with Malia shaking me.

"Stiles!" She yelled as I lunged up on the bed breathing hard. Sweat covered my forehead as I was shaking and I didn't understand why it bothered me so much. I had that nightmare nearly every night, because it was like a cruel warning.

Remember what you did.

"You alright?" Malia asked leaning to stare at me and I nodded my head.

"Sorry." I muttered running a hand through my hair and tried not to meet her eyes. I suddenly felt her hand on my shoulder.

"Stiles." She said softly, in fact this was probably the most calm I had ever seen her. "Thats the 7 time... this week." She mummers gently.

"There just nightmares." I said quietly, the image of my mother raised in my mind. Closing my eyes I let go of a shaky breath and shook my head. "Go back to bed Malia, I'm fine. You can actually have the bed for the rest of the night." I say as I get up to leave the bed and go on the floor where Malia was sleeping. But before I could I felt a hand grab onto my wrist. I turned to look at Malia as she gave me a soft smile.


Malia's POV

My eyes fluttered open to find Stiles strong arms wrapped around me as I lay on his chest. It was odd actually, this had to be one of the first boys I had ever... cuddled with? I wasn't sure what the right word was.

Gently I turned to see his face. He actually looked quite peaceful when he slept, it was different from his usual face. And it was obvious he was always in a lot of pain, by the way he would scream when he woke up or the look of terror in his sleep he often had. But of course I could relate, for he had helped me wake up of the nightmares of when I woke to find my mother and sister dead. And I had a feeling we shared similar nightmares.

A weird groan was admitted for Stiles as his eyes flickered open.

"Holy of all gods, what time is it." He mutters as he rubs his eyes. Glancing over at the clock I respond.

"12." I muttered as Stiles leaped out of the bed causing me be ripped from his warmth.

"We gotta get going!" He shouts and rips off his Starwars shirt to replace it with a black one. He pauses and glances back at me. "You coming?" He asks before I force myself out of the warmth of the bed.


Back in the car Stiles and I have a debate of what PJ's are the best. I was on the two piece, where Stiles was very determined the Oneise's better.

"I'm telling you, there the best!" He says flailing his hands about. I laugh and shake my head.

"I'm sure." I say giving up as I look out the window. Maybe the kid was't so bad, he was annoying. But he did have some... nice features.

"So why Coyote?" He asks glancing over at me. I pause as I turn to face him again.

"I didn't pick it, the people did." I say as Stiles nods his head in agreement. His eyes glistened with mischief which I guess is where he got his name.

"It's badass." Stiles confirms causing me to smile.

"The Trickster's pretty cool too." I say, "Being one of the most known criminals is badass." Stiles laughs and shakes his head. Suddenly Stiles phone went off causing him to pull over to the side of the road. He frowns when he takes it out.

"Scott?" He asks as he picks it up, "You never phone me."

I couldn't really hear what Scott was saying but I could pick out a few things.

"I-Help Screwed up-bad." Was mostly what I got as Stiles eyes widened.

"Are you serious, this isn't funny Scott!" Stiles hisses but by the sound of how frantic Scott sounded it wasn't. "Okay, Okay I'll be there as soon as possible." Hanging up the phone Stiles looks over at me.

"Whats wrong?" I ask as Stiles shakes his head. "Stiles..." Closing his eyes Stiles sighs.

"Scott killed someone."

Authors Note - Woah whats this? An update? Sorry guys Stalia is my OTP but I've been really worried they are going to break up and I wasn't emotionally ready to write my loves but I did this. BECAUSE THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL! Stydia's cool but, in my opinion, can't compare to Stalia with chemistry. My mom even agrees lmao. Anyways LOVE YA CUTIES!

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