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Malia's POV

Inside I was cold.

At night I dreamt he was laying beside me, our hands intwined as he would smile down at me. He was always there. But than I would have to awake from my dream land, with a cold heart. Sometimes I would scream his name, other times I would just silently sob.

At first I tried to cut him out of my mind. The pain of losing him was so long I was doing anything to move on, I cut my hair, I smiled more, I ate dinner with Lydia and Scott, they invited for me to live with them in their apartment, which I took. But nothing would work. He always came back, haunting my mind, his face flashed on TV; The Trickster has finally be caught. The head lines were everywhere, his mug shot with his eyes staring directly at the camera, a dark look rested on his face.

At least his was alive. Is what I told myself, but now I wasn't so sure if I was alive without him.


Stiles' POV

Jail was bullshit.

Even as I sat at the interrogating table with a look of annoyance it was all I could think. But inside I was dying, I wasn't sure how long I could take these hostile glares, how long I could take without her. Without knowing if she was safe, if Scott had saved his promise.

I snapped out my thoughts when my dad stepped into the room. He held a clipboard in hand as he swayed across the room to sit across the table of me, a frown imprinted on his face.

"Stiles Stilinski?" He asked, glancing up to meet brief eye contact with me before quickly looking back down.

"Yeah, that's me." I respond, "Others call me Trickster."

"Are you aware of why you are here."


He pauses, I watch as the man shifts uncomfortable under my graze. Silently I wished I could comfort him, to tell him I wasn't a crazy killer he thought I was. But I didn't think he would believe me.

"Other's call you Trickster, you said?" He suddenly says his head shooting up, "But I'm supposed to call you son."

Those words caused me to wince, my heart felt like it was slowly falling apart. Piece by piece, and having my father sitting not three feet away from me, wasn't helping.

"It says here, that you have murder three innocent people. People you've known since childhood, now guess what? Another person was added to that list, his name was Donavan. A kid you used to play with until you murdered his parent at the age of 14, including your mother. My wife." My dad takes his glasses off and places them on the table, "I was told my son was taken, and most likely dead so I should give up hope. Yet all along, he was the killer himself. The Trickster."

I could only sit quietly, staring at him. "Dad- I mean sir, I can explai-."

"Cut the bullshit Stiles, I don't need your story."

My heart stops as I stare up at him, my eyes start to water and I silently curse myself for getting emotional.

"Why? Don't I have the right?" But suddenly my dad leans forward. Placing his clipboard on the table beside us.

"I don't need to hear your story because, Stiles my son, I already believe you."


Malia's POV

Today was his court date. Maybe the last time I will see him before he would be locked away forever, since the news thought they would broadcast him helplessly defending himself.

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