Chapter 12- A Moment of Rest

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Disclaimer: This story is a work of fanfiction. While some characters and events may be inspired by real people and situations, the narrative is entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Certain characters and events in this story are products of the author's imagination and are not based on real people or occurrences.

**Sandro's POV**

The campaign had been relentless, and both Cassandra and I were feeling worn out from the constant attention and pressure. One evening, Cassandra turned to me with a tired smile.

“Sandro, I really need to go back home to Dingras for a bit,” she said. “My family is there on vacation, and I could really use some time to relax and recharge.”

I understood completely. “That sounds like a good idea, Cassandra. You should spend some quality time with your family. Meanwhile, I'll head to Manila to help my dad with his campaign for president.”

We both agreed that taking a break was necessary. It felt good to know we could step back for a while before diving back into the campaign grind.

**Cassandra's POV**

The campaign had been more exhausting than I had imagined. When I told Sandro that I needed to go home to Dingras, he was understanding and supportive.

“You should go, Cassandra,” he said kindly. “I'll go to Manila to assist my dad. He's running for president, and I want to help him out.”

I felt grateful for his understanding. We decided to take a few days off. Driving into Dingras, I immediately felt the stress of the campaign melt away. The peaceful countryside with its green fields and fresh air was a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Arriving at my family's home, I was greeted warmly by my parents, siblings, and extended family who were all gathered there for vacation.

“Cass, it's so good to see you home,” my mom said with a smile.

“It feels great to be here,” I replied, feeling a sense of calm wash over me.

I introduced Sandro to my family over a video call, and they were delighted to meet him, even if only virtually. The atmosphere was relaxed and filled with laughter, a stark contrast to the tension of the campaign trail.

**Sandro's POV**

While Cassandra enjoyed her break in Dingras, I traveled to Manila to support my father, Bongbong Marcos, in his presidential campaign. The campaign headquarters buzzed with activity as my father and his team strategized and planned their next moves.

“Dad, I'm here to help in any way I can,” I said as I entered the bustling office.

“Good to have you here, Sandro,” he replied, looking both tired and determined. “We've got a lot of ground to cover.”

For the next few days, I threw myself into the campaign work, assisting with speeches, attending strategy meetings, and meeting with supporters. It was demanding work, but it felt rewarding to contribute to my father's efforts. The break from our own campaign trail allowed me to gain fresh insights and renewed energy.

**Author POV**

After a few days of rest and family time, Sandro and Cassandra were ready to resume their campaign efforts in Ilocos Norte. Sandro decided to visit Cassandra's family in Dingras to experience firsthand the peace and beauty she always spoke of and to express his gratitude for their support.

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