Chapter 21- Unseen Shadows

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Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. While some characters and events may be inspired by real people and situations, the narrative is entirely made up. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or events is coincidental. Certain characters and events are products of the author's imagination and not based on real life.

**Cassandra's POV**

The morning after our victory celebration, I woke up to the relentless buzzing of my phone. Messages, emails, and interview requests flooded in, each one a reminder of the monumental shift in our lives. I stretched, savoring the brief moment of calm before diving into the chaos. The memory of last night lingered in my mind – the way Sandro's hand had held mine, his quiet gratitude, and our shared hopes for the future.

As I navigated through the barrage of notifications, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. Our victory was a triumph, but it also marked the beginning of a new chapter filled with responsibilities and challenges. I glanced at the clock, realizing I had just enough time to grab a coffee before my first meeting.

"Sandro," I murmured to myself, smiling at the thought of him already knee-deep in his new role. I shot him a quick text: "Good luck today! Proud of you. Let's catch up later?"

Stepping out of my apartment, I couldn't shake off the feeling of anticipation. The day was ours, but the real work was just beginning.

**Sandro's POV**

The morning after our victory was a whirlwind. My new role as congressman began with a flurry of meetings, calls, and planning sessions. The weight of expectations was heavy on my shoulders, but it was a burden I welcomed. Each handshake, each congratulatory word from my team, reminded me of the responsibility I had taken on.

Midway through a meeting with my advisors, my phone buzzed. Cassandra's message brought a smile to my face, a brief but welcome respite from the intensity of the day. "Thanks, Cass. Dinner tonight? Need to see you."

As the day wore on, I couldn't help but think about the road ahead. The celebration was over, and now it was time to prove myself. I carved out a moment to step outside and call Cassandra. Hearing her voice, even for a few minutes, steadied me. She was my anchor in this storm.

That evening, we met for dinner at a quiet restaurant, tucked away from the public eye. The soft lighting and hushed ambiance made it feel like our private refuge. As we discussed our plans, our worries, and our dreams, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. Cassandra's unwavering support and the warmth of her smile were my lifeline. Together, I knew we could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

**Anonymous POV **

From the shadows of the restaurant, I watched Sandro and Cassandra, my camera discreetly capturing every moment. Boss had been clear in her instructions: observe, gather information, and report back. Their smiles, their whispered words – it all fueled my determination to carry out her plan.

I sent a quick message to boss: "They're together. Dinner at a secluded place. Will send photos soon."

Their victory had been a blow to her, but she wasn’t one to accept defeat easily. She had her own network, her own ways of reclaiming power. As I watched them laugh and share a quiet dinner, I knew they were blissfully unaware of the storm brewing around them.

**Cassandra's POV**

Back at my apartment, the unease from earlier in the evening lingered. The city lights cast a soft glow through my window as I prepared for bed, but my mind was restless. Something felt off, like a shadow lurking just out of sight. I dismissed it as paranoia, telling myself it was just the remnants of election tension.

I checked my phone one last time before bed. Sandro's message made me smile: "Dinner was perfect. Sleep well, Cass. We’ve got this."

I turned off the light, determined to push away the sense of unease. Tomorrow was a new day, and I needed to be ready.

The Congressman and His Attorney: An Election Scandal (Sandro Marcos)Where stories live. Discover now