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"It's better if we split up here.", Tanaka handed you a piece of paper at the edge of the forest.

You didn't unroll it, but took it with a grateful nod and stowed the map in your pocket. Yuriko grasped your hands.

"Remember, if you don't find what you're looking for, we can give you a place.", she looked over your shoulder at Jin with a smile. "That goes for you too, Lord Sakai."

Grimly, he let out a snort. You sighed.

"It'll be a while.", you turned to Tanaka. "I thank you for everything you've done for me."

He shrugged.

"Two days of hospitality would not have gone unused.", he said soberly. "Remember the village. You have to go there first before you can get to the island."

You nodded.

"Tetsuro village.", you repeated. "A small place on the coast."

Behind you, Jin frowned. He had identified the horse on which you had fled the battlefield as his own. You had left the black stallion to him.

"Nobu.", he had called it, and the horse had reacted immediately.

So it really was his name and Jin really was his rider.

"I know Tetsuro village.", he said.

In the end, he had accepted his fate and stopped resisting. He would travel with you until you reached your destination.

"Is it far?", you asked, climbing onto the horse behind him.

Nobu pranced on the spot. The stallion was obviously not used to two riders.

"It's on the other side of Tsushima. When I was little, my father brought me to this village.", his breathing slowly recovered and he could speak better.

"I remember.", Tanaka helped Yuriko mount the ox. "Lady Sakai wasn't ill then."

A shadow flitted across Jin's face.

"No... she was... still healthy then."

"Do you remember the way, Lord?", Yuriko asked.

Her eyes fell on you again. She was worried. She would have preferred it if you had come with her.

But now you had a new goal, a new destiny. And if there was even a tiny chance that your mother, your people could be in this place, then you would cross the entire ocean.

"I think... it will be possible...", Jin sighed, leaning over your shoulder to rest against your back.

His breath pressed against your shoulders. You could feel the curves of his chest pressing into the curve of your spine. Something stirred inside you at the thought of him being so close.

When was the last time you had allowed another person to be this close to you?

You knew the answer, but you refused to acknowledge it. All memories of him should rot in hell.

"Then our paths will part now.", with a sad heart you bowed.

At the movement, Jin threatened to slide to the side. His hand lifted, he grabbed your hips for support.

"We thank you for everything.", you repeated one last time.

"And we wish you all the happiness in the world.", Yuriko reached out to you. "Don't forget, the hope of Japan is travelling with you."

Behind you, Jin chuckled slightly.

"It's time to go.", he whispered in your ear, suddenly grabbed Nobu's reins and let the stallion go.

You waved goodbye to the couple for the thousandth time. With every step the stallion took, their outlines became smaller and smaller, moving further and further away until only dark figures remained.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Tanaka and Yuriko started to move until they disappeared completely from your field of vision. Only then did you dare to turn round in the saddle.

Jin leant heavily against your back. Nevertheless, he held the reins so tightly that you couldn't take control of the horse.

You let him have his way. There was no reason to mistrust him and in the end you were both in the same boat. He wanted to survive to save his country and you wanted to live to find your family.

A gentle wind blew across the wide plains.

Minutes passed in which you said nothing to each other. All you could hear was Jin's breathing next to your ear, quiet but still a little heavy. You wondered if he was still in pain. If so, he was doing a good job of hiding it.

Your eyes travelled along your side, down to where your legs met. Due to the lack of space on the horse, he was sitting so close to you that you could feel everything on his body.

The warmth of his breath tickled the back of your neck. He held you so close to the horse with his legs that you could only slide backwards a little. But if you had done that, his crotch would have bumped into your backside.

You let out a shaky breath at the thought. Your hands gripped the reins. Suddenly Jin's grip tightened. One of his hands placed itself on yours to give it a warning squeeze.

Nobu walked on unmoved.

"No quick movements.", the samurai whispered in your ear. "I know where we have to go."

Goose bumps crawled up your spine. Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm your racing thoughts. The beat of your heart was in your throat.

"Am I being kidnapped now, samurai?", you asked with a teasing grin.

He frowned. His full lips in combination with the round shape of his face made him look almost childlike. Warningly, he pushed his head over his shoulder to meet your gaze. Stubble scratched across your cheek.

"If anyone is trapped, it's me.", he said.

One of your eyebrows raised.

"Are you wearing shackles?", you shook off his hand only to take it yourself. "You look like a free man to me."

"A free man would have died for his country."

You had to sigh again.

"You should still have the opportunity to do this often enough. Why are you reluctant to wait and get better first? A fight in your condition would be less honourable and more ridiculous."

Gritting his teeth, he retreated. There was nothing to say against this logic.

When another gap appeared between you, coldness spread between you. As if something had been lost.

Tired, he closed his eyes behind you. His breathing changed again. You cast a scrutinising glance over your shoulder.

He was beginning to gnaw at your nerves, but that was no reason to let him suffer unnecessarily.

"How do you feel?", you finally asked.

He grumpily crunched his nose.

"I... could do with a break.", he finally admitted quietly.

Jin Sakai x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now