Introducing Myself

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I'm Frank Iero. I'm like, 5'3, I weigh very little, and I want to let you in on a little secret.

I can see ghosts. Ghosts that have haunted these Belleville streets for centuries. New ghosts fresh from the morgue. All kinds of them.

I don't fit in very well at school. People call me a greedy emo, a worthless faggot, and a delusional freak. Well to that I say Fuck you Belleville High, I'm not some cookie-cutter person of who you want me to be and that's perfectly fine with me.

I am who I am and anyone who cares enough to try and deter me from my life by calling me names obviously cares enough to take time from their day to taunt me.

I'm currently a junior in high school.

I converse with these ghosts daily. Well, some of them. Others whine like a bitch about how they had a life to live and those ones are unbearable to be around. Like get a life, oh wait you fucking lost it, get over it.

I have loving parents who give me all the necessities of life, no matter how busy they may get. My mom works as a receptionist at a small dentist office here in Belleville and my dad sells cars.

My hobbies include playing guitar (the ghost of Kurt Cobain taught me. Jealous?), writing down shitty lyrics and poems, and listening to music to drown out life around me.

I do pretty average in school. I put an okay amount of effort into work, just enough to pass.

In a few days, none of that work would matter.

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