Day Six

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I woke up early for once. It mare me feel so happy to see Gerard's face when I opened my eyes. I slowly got up, freezing cold from my soaking clothes. Before stripping down for a real shower, I closed the door at the top of the stairs which my mother inconsiderably left open.

After my shower, I dressed in black skinny jeans and a white band t-shirt. I passed my sneering mom on the way outside to walk to school. When I got outside, I caught my father leaving the driveway. When I passed his car, I found that the window had been rolled down.

My dad offered a ride to school which I happily accepted. Once I got to school I finally had enough time to sit around and do nothing.

I realized that now that I've actually been at school, people finally had time to taunt me.

Whispers of "weirdo" and "freak" resounded through the halls. A couple of them said it straight to my face, and I just took the bullying. I was used to it.

The thing is, schools never do anything about bullies. If you've been bullied, you know what I mean. You tell councilors, you tell principals, you tell teachers, but nothing is ever done.

"You should beat them the fuck up", Gerard muttered.

I shook my head no and looked down in shame.

"Do it", Gerard urged. "You have nothing to lose".

I shook my head no, hoping he'd get the hint.

"Hey freak," someone faced me front and center.

"U-uhm, do I know you?" I stuttered.

"No, but I know you're weird. How about you take your weird ass out of here",he pointed.

"Do it. Do it now," Gerard demanded.

Without even thinking, I threw my fist up. It collided with his jaw, spewing him on the ground.

"For a short guy, you have a good hook", another kid with narrowed eyes escaped the forming crowd.

Now this kid was way more buff than the one I just knocked out. There was no luck.

"Alright, alright, break it up", a teacher called.


"That's Mikey," Gerard sounded excited.

I rolled my eyes as Mikey escorted the three of us to the principal's office. Did I have a bone to pick with him. It was his fault I was here. He should've punished every last one of these bullies accordingly.

Mikey entered the principal's office for a minute or two and once he came out, he requested that I follow him. I sat there, giving him a menacing look. I wasn't going to follow him willingly.

"Wow, we got a rebel", Gerard winked.

I blushed at him as the office lady ordered me to follow Mikey. Mikey snickered at my helplessness as I stood and followed Mikey into a separate room.

I knew this room. When there was a crime, this was where people went for confessions on school grounds. This place could be heavily surveyed with shit tons of microphones. Of course, Gerard was with me.

"So what's going on, Frank?" Mikey asked nonchalantly.

"Oh, I think I have a dentist appointment soon, and I think my allergies are coming back and-", I got cut off by an agitated Mikey.

"You know what I mean", he said impatiently.

Gerard snickered and kicked his feet up on the table. God, he had sass. Or he had something against his brother. It was probably because in his time of need, he was abandoned by him.

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