Chapter 20 - Sweetness of love

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Sanjana entered her class after weekend and the minute, she entered and saw the girl who spoke rudely to her approaching.  She tried to move away but she stopped her.

Girl  " You complained about me to the management? Didn't you ?"

Sanjana " what rubbish, I dont know what you are talking about "

Girl " I m talking about the photo of Alex, you were telling me to delete it, when I refused you complained about me... How dare you "

Sanjana realized what she was talking about and composed herself " I didn't do anything. Yes I agree that I asked you to delete bcoz i felt it's wrong, but it doesn't mean I was the one who complained "

Girl " Then how did they come to know about it... Bcoz of you my costly mobile is smashed now "

She showed her mobile and sanjana eyes widen to see her latest model iPhone was smashed brutually. 

Sanjana " I m not aware of this, the whole university knows that you have capture his picture bcoz of your flauntness and anyone could have informed them, or they would have heard the gossip. Don't blame me unnecessarily and I have other important works to do rather than to interfere in this "

She pushed the girl aside and went to her seat and was continuously thinking about what he did.  She just asked him to take the picture off but he broke her phone. A giggle escaped her lips which earned a suspicious look from Tanya, who raised her eyebrows, asking what and she shrugged in return.

It was break time, tanya left to get her mentor signature in her work done profile and sanjana texted Alex. 

Sanjana " Where are you Mr. ?"

Alex " no... Hello , hi...  Eager to know where I am butterfly ? "

Sanjana " Yes bcoz I want to see you "

Alex " Have a meeting now sweety, will be there for lunch, prepare for excuse to tell your friend.. Or I don't mind sitting with my girl in canteen, choice is yours butterfly "

Sanjana " okay text me when you reach here.. Bye Mr. Alex "

Alex didn't reply making her frown and  her friend came back leaving her with no option of keeping her mobile back. 

Tanya " What happen, you were giggling in the morning and now you are grumpy, y does your mood changed often these days "

Sanjana murmered "bcoz my mood depend on him now.. "

Tanya " kyaaa "

Sanjana nodded no " kuch nahi.. Lets go to lab class, come "

The lab session got over and she moved to canteen with Tanya.

Alex " Don't buy food, I got for both of us. Come soon "

Sanjana " y is there no butterfly in the sentence " she pouted and tanya looked at her like she is gone. 

Tanya " Let's order food "

San " noo.. You order food.. I have some work with my mentor, I will be back "

Tanya "areyyy... But  your mentor is absent today "
She said with frown and sanjana looked at her shocked and sit back.  She was nervous now thinking how to handle her friend.

San " oh.. I. I didn't knew that "

Tanya " to ab order kare food "

San " mereko.... Mereko.. Bhuk nahi, tum khalo "

Tanya " and y... You didn't have anything in break time as well. Then y are you not hungry "

San " are please understand na, I m not feeling good, you eat " she said fidgeting with her fingers and just then a wardboy came to them. 

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