chapter 2

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Tell me all about it! Okay calm down Zoey it was just an interview. With Michael Griffon!! From the moment I met her at Starbucks I knew it was a bad idea that I told her on the phone who my new boss was. Has he changed? He is outgoing with me. But he is sad. I wish I could take all the hurt that he had in his life away. Zoey we got to keep telling our self's that is just a fairy tale he will never fall for one of us. I know but........But what Zoey? Being friends with Zoey for over seventeen years now. I mostly knew what she was thinking. But not day. Well he might have a harder time finding a women now he has a kid. Most men with a kid or kids have a harder time finding true love a second time around. I don't think he will have a problem with that Zoey he has his charms still. The charms that made us freak out and almost panic when we had to be paired together in a group back in elementary school. But Daisy is the point he will get girls. But once he tells them about his daughter they will be high tailing out of his life as fast as they came into his life they will be out. Once in a while Zoey made a point. Today was one of those days. I know Zoey. I looked out the window of the tiny local coffee shop that was right down the street from my place. The sun was just setting on a perfect day. When I spotted him again walking an English massif. Now I had a decision to make should I tell my best friend or shouldn't I. I knew I just had to do it. Zoey I am going to tell you this slowly. But there he is. Oh my he Is cuter then before Daisy. Yeah I know. I will be back Zoey I got to talk to him about work for a minute. Do I hear a little birdie telling me that you like your boss? You like him to Zoey. Yeah but you like him and you are going to have a better chance at getting the boy of your dreams then I do. I probably won't have a better chance Zoey. But I will see where this goes right. Yeah I guess. Zoey sounded disappointed that I never got my hopes as high as she did. As I had enough disappointment's in my life. I never needed another one. That could ruin the chances of me keeping this job I just got. I got up fast and walked outside with my coffee in my hand towards him. I never knew what I was going to say to my boss. But I wanted to talk to him so bad. I knew that my mind would figure something to say when I said hi to him. I hoped at least. If not I would be completely embarrassed.

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