Chapter 18

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Oh here he is. Hey buddy nice to see you. Yeah you too. Uncle Mike. Sorry man you know how tough being a father is and juggling a job. But you have a wife Noah. Yeah I know. But she is at the hospital beside her mother's bedside. Remember I told you that last week. Sorry forgot. It's okay. I watched from my front porch Michael and Noah talking. I wanted to go over to Michael. But In a way I never wanted to. Something was telling me not to. Right when the mechanic looked my way. My memory went back to grade eight. The bad boy Noah looked tired now. Not like before. He always got in fights back in elementary school. I never saw him for so long. Mike you want to hold her or do you want me to get her wheel chair out. I will hold your little munchkin. Okay. You baby sit for me sometime Mike? No I do not have a lot of time to baby sit your kids Noah. But I think Daisy would. Well let's see because I feel like we need to hit a bar and drink like when we were not fathers. Sounds like a plan to me. I watched the guys from afar and I wondered what they were planning. I hoped I never had to watch Noah's kids tonight on top of dealing with my friend that was coming over. But I wouldn't say no if Noah asked. I just hoped he never.  

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