chapter 1

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(Warning! A lot of blood and gore!)
~toby's pov
I sighed as I walked through the dark, cold forest. Blood and brain matter caked my hatchets, and my cloths were splattered with dry blood. I didn't really care for my job as much as I should, but who cares for a killer? At least it supplies me with food and shelter. Well, really we have to go and pay for our own food, but we earn the money to get it.
I do enjoy working with my co workers, though. Masky and hoodie live with me in a small cabin in the woods. My boss lives in a mansion with other psychopaths.
I looked up to see the moon light break through the treetops. My thoughts drifted to my amazing co worker and boyfriend, masky, or Tim. I sighed dreamily. Yep, I'm in love! I giggled.
The wind blew through my brown hair as I closed my eyes. My paced walking turned into running as my thoughts drifted to him. My smile wider than before. I couldn't wait to get home!
I stopped in my tracks when I heard a twig snap. I looked around, but saw nothing. My heart stopped as I heard a demonic growl. The rake!

(A/n Srry it's so short. Like I said I had a dream about this last night. Any ways, bye)

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