Chapter 2: Moving In

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I was so scared! I thought he was in jail for life. He should still be in jail for what he did to me.

"Hey sweetheart, I'm going to give you a present." He said in a creepy voice.

I backed up towards the wall and saw him coming towards me with something long and silver in his hand. I instantly started to panic and I was saying over and over in my head how I was going to die. What am I saying? I'm April Smith, I don't get scared at all. I starting to doubt when I said I wasn't scared of anything. He shoved me against the wall and held the knife on my throat.

"You would go that far to kill your own daughter just because she doesn't want to spend time with you?" I asked him in a steady voice.

"Shut up! I am your father, you can't talk to me that way!" My so called father yelled.

"Why would I listen to you? You're not even my father so say whatever you want I'll never be able to forgive for killing him!" I yell as the knife pressed into my neck leaving behind a trail of blood.

Alright this is it, time for plan B. I turned carefully and kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. He let go off me and I quickly ran to the door trying to open it but I was too late. He grabbed me and started making cuts all over my face. I started screaming until he was pulled of me and another boy was currently fighting my dad. I got up to get my security guards. I told all the security guys and they threw him out.

I look over to where the boy was but I he was gone. It was like he vanished into thin air. The security guards shut down the party at 3am. I went into the bathroom and looked at my reflection. My dirty blonde hair was ruffled up, my clothes were torn, and there was a long scratch on my left cheek. I called our nurse and she fixed me up before I went to sleep. As I was asleep, I kept dreaming of the person I knew I could never get back.

Saturday Morning

I woke up around noon and started texting Lexi on my iPhone 5c.

"April Lilliana Smith, get downstairs now!" My mom yelled.

Oh-No, what did I do now. I ran downstairs and saw my mom and step dad looking at me with sympathy.

"April, why didn't you tell us your father came and what is the scar on your face? Never mind don't answer that question. Now tell us what he did to you." My mom demanded in a sympathetic voice.

I told them the story and after that I ran upstairs and got ready to see him. I walked out the front door and drove to the cemetery. I looked for his name on the tombstones and finally found it. Michael Scott, my first and last boyfriend. I shuddered at memory of when he killed him. I was crying so badly that my mascara started to run but I didn't care.

Michael was the sweetest boy ever. We were dating from eighth grade until we were juniors but that's when the incident happened. I started to get nosy into my dad's business and found out that he was a gang leader. Once I found out, he thought that I would tell mom so he pulled out a gun. I heard the gun shot and I wasn't hurt anywhere but then my face realized that Michael took the shot for me. My dad had shot Mikey right through the heart. I scrambled down and tried to find a pulse but there was none. His last words were "I will always love you, April." Then his eyes fluttered shot and I collapsed. Everyone blames me for Michael's death even my own parents. I had to transfer schools because where ever I go my past seems to follow. From that day, I wanted to get revenge on my dad and I promised myself I will never fall in love again.

I eventually got home and was greeted by mad parents.

"Where have you been, April?" My mom interrogated.

I couldn't take it anymore so I snapped.
"It's not really any of your business, but I went to visit Mikey." I said and ran upstairs.

Two Months Later

"April, come downstairs we want to talk to you." My step dad called up the stairs.

I ran downstairs and was greeted with concerned expressions on my parents' faces.

"April, since Troy keeps coming back here for you, you will be moving to California with your aunt and uncle. We think this could keep you safe from Troy and anyone else who wants to put me in danger. Oh, by the way you're leaving in three days." My mom says all rushed.

"What if he comes after you guys when I'm gone?" I ask them and they said that's why they have body guards.

I ran up to my room and packed all of my clothes and accessories. I can't believe I'm going to see my twin cousins again, Jeremy and Jared. They're both the same age as me and pretty good looking. I have to say good looks run in the family. I decided to call Lexi since I know she's going to want to spend a lot of time together since I'm leaving her.

"Lexi, I need to tell you something. I'm moving to California for good." I say worriedly on the phone.

I waited for an answer but she hung up on me. Suddenly what startled me was Lexi walking in and saying we're going shopping and hanging out before I leave. We ended up spending $5000 on new clothes for me. It looks like I might need three more suitcases. After that, Lexi took me to my favorite milkshake place and she paid. It was actually pretty fun and we managed to snag a few boys' numbers.

Three Days Later at the Airport

"I'm going to miss you guys so much!" I screamed and then I hugged everyone. My parents were expecting a call everyday and Lexi wanted to chat on kik everyday.

"Flight 638 to California, please board." The speaker went on.

I said my goodbyes and got on the plane. Turns out my parents decided to make me ride coach which was so much better.

6 Hours Later

"Passengers get ready to depart and thank you for riding U.S Airlines."

I got off the plane to see four people waving a sign that said "Smith." I grabbed my suitcases and walked over to them. I was greeted with hugs and hellos. While we were catching up, Jared and Jeremy grabbed my suit cases.

"Dang cuz why do you have so many suitcases?" Jeremy asked.

"It's only eight of them you'll be fine." I replied as I gave Jeremy a slap on the back of the head.

We drove to their house and it was just like ours but not as much rooms. Uncle Tom and Aunt Sheryl gave me a tour and told me that school starts tomorrow and I should catch up on my sleep. They also told me that I have to catch a ride Jared and Jeremy since my car hasn't arrived yet. The only way I could tell them apart was Jeremy had gray eyes while Jared had blue. They both had blonde hair so now I've figured out why girls throw themselves at them. I fell into a deep slumber when I heard someone shaking me up but I didn't get up. Then I felt coldness wash over me as the twins poured ice over my head. They started cracking up but once they saw my glare and when I said run I chased them.

I eventually gave up and showered and got dressed. For the first day of school, I decided to wear a blue crop top with black high waisted shorts and a denim jacket. I went downstairs and saw the twins eating toast and pop tarts. I grabbed a pop tart and was just about to wait in the car when a someone stopped me.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Jared asked gesturing towards my clothes.

"Umm school." I said and started walking away.

The twins finally came out and drove me to school. We got out the car and I could feel tons of eyes on me as I got out. You know that feeling when you feel like you're being watched, yeah I hate that feeling. Instead of hiding behind Jared I gave everyone a look that says what-do-you-think-you're-looking-at and they all turned away.

Zane's POV
I was busy talking to my friends when I saw Jared and Jeremy get out with a girl that looked familiar. I see her look at everyone looking at her and she's shoots them a glare. That's it! It's that girl who was getting abused and I had to beat that guy up. That happened over three months ago and I still can't get her out of my head.

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