Chapter 4: He Strikes Back Part 1

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April's POV
I didn't know he lived right next door to me. That night I realized that tomorrow was the anniversary of Mikey's death. I fell asleep that night dreaming of Michael.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I opened the text message and was so scared to go back to sleep again.

Did you think that you could run away from me? I will always find you. Remember I have eyes everywhere.
- Unknown Number

Of course it was him. Why would he text me at 3 am in the morning? Since I couldn't go back to sleep, I decided to check my Facebook account. There was one new friend request. I think you can guess who that was, Zane Black. I stared at it and didn't reply back. I got up and did my morning routine. I decided to wear a red crop top, a black leather skirt, a black leather jacket, and black studded boots. By the time I was done it was 7 am. I grabbed some pancakes and bacon and then headed to school on my motorcycle.

After two and a half hours of class, it was lunch. This time I didn't feel like sitting with my cousins and their friends. I sat with Summer, a friend I made in class. Summer was the same as me so that made it easy for us to be friends. Me and Summer were like the tag team of badass chicks at this school. Summer has light brown hair and brown eyes. As soon as we met, we clicked.

"April, don't look now but Mr.Hottie and his friends are looking our way." Summer said.

I looked over and saw my cousins and their friends looking our way but more at me instead.

"Who were you referring to as Mr.Hottie?" I asked Summer.

"Umm, your cousin Jared." She said embarrassed.

"Well, well, well. It seems like you have a crush on Jared. Want me to go over there to see if he likes you back?" I say smugly as I walk over to Jared's table.

"No wait don't do that!" Summer exclaims while pulling me back but unfortunately she says go ahead.

Zane's POV
"So did you figure out the story with April yet?" Sean asks me.

"No but I think it has something to do with a boy she used to love." I say as Jared and Jeremy's faces pale. I wonder what's gotten into them. We all look at April and her friend and see her looking back at us. She starts to walk over to our table dragging her friend with her.

"Hey guys this is my friend, Summer and Summer this is Jared, Jeremy, Ellie, Taylor, Liam, Sean, Dean, and Zane." She said.

I saw how she said my name last with disgust. What is with this girl? Last I remember all girls fall for me. But then there was this one who didn't even take a second glance at me.

"You know you could be nice for a change and start trusting people, Princess." I said smugly.

She stiffened when I called her princess and then she said darkly "Don't call me that name ever again."

I decided to test her limits and said "Alright, Princess." She went over to me and slapped me across the face which made my head slant sideways. It hurt as much as that time in English when she kneed me in the groin.

"Damn!" The whole cafeteria says as she slapped me. It was as quiet as a mouse in that cafeteria. She went out the lunch room with Summer trailing behind her. Everyone turned to look at me, seems like I was the main attraction. Everybody knows that you don't hit me, I mean everyone except her. Whenever she does something that nobody has the guts to do, it turns me on in a heartbeat. What am I saying? I'm a player and I don't do crushes and I never will.

April's POV
"You know you could be nice for a change and start trusting people, Princess." Zane said while tilting back and forth in his chair.

How did he know that nickname? I never told anyone unless it was a coincidence. Mikey used to call me that all the time when we were together.

"Don't call me that name ever again." I said darkly.

"Alright, Princess." He said smugly trying to test my limits.

I went over to him and slapped him across the face with all the force I had. There were a mixture of emotions swirling through me when I slapped him. Anger. Sadness. Loss. I left the cafeteria with Summer behind me shooting glares to people who wanted to say something to me. Of course people would want to do something because they think Zane is the king of the school.

As soon as the bell rang, I said goodbye to Summer and ditched for the rest of the day. I was heading home when I remembered that I had to get some more clothes from the mall. I headed towards the mall on my motorcycle.

Zane's POV
After a rough day of classes, I went home and decided to go see April. I hadn't seen April since lunch and I couldn't help but feel worried. I went next door and knocked.

"Hello, I'm Zane and I was wondering if April is here?" I said worriedly.

"I'm sorry we haven't seen April since this morning when she left. I tried calling her but there was no answer. Do you think we should call the police?" The woman who I guess is her aunt said.

I told them to not worry and then I decided to take my chances and ask them for April's number. After I left, I called April and there was a voicemail. Then I called Summer using Jared's phone and asked if she knew where April was. Turns out, Jared and Summer already exchanged numbers during lunch. She told me that April said she was going to the mall. I quickly drove to the mall and found and parking spot. Then a familiar motorcycle caught my eye. It was April's motorcycle alright. I decided to make a phone call.

"Hello, this is the police department what is your emergency?" The officer said.

"Hi I would like to report a missing person." I said confidently.

"Where are you sir and what is the person's name?" The officer asked.

"The mall on Berks street and her name is April Smith." I replied hurriedly.

They tell me that their on their way and not to worry. Who tells someone not to worry when the love of your life is missing? No wait I didn't mean that, not one bit. The police cars pull up and I tell them April's description and where she was.

"April is about 5'8. She has dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. She's 17 and in high school." I say before I was cut off. I guess I was talking too much about her. Man, I'm whipped! Too bad she probably doesn't like me anyways. We search the entire mall but then I got the idea of looking for her phone signal. We found the phone signal in an old warehouse not too far from the mall. By this time it was around midnight but I didn't care because I was going to find her no matter what.

April's POV
I opened my eyes slowly looking around carefully. I saw my bag and phone on a table in the corner. I realized that I was tied to a chair with a very tight rope. I had to get out of here. Looking outside, I knew it had to be around midnight. I looked down and saw a syringe which I guess who ever kidnapped me knocked me out so it will be easier. I turned my head as I heard a noise.

"Well, well, well you're finally awake?" He said creepily.

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