Chapter 7: Interrupted An Intense Moment

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April's POV

My aunt and uncle were outside waiting for me because I had gotten discharged a little while ago. Right now I was at home listening to music while laying down. It was around 3 o'clock when I heard voices coming from downstairs. I immediately recognized them as Jeremy, Jared, and Zane's voices' came from downstairs. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and towards my room. I pretended to be asleep as the door opened.

"She's asleep Zane so you'll have to come back later. Plus I don't think she's going to open up to you." Jared said while standing in my doorway.

"I doubt she's asleep. She's probably faking it and I want my answers. I think I deserve that much because she never lets anyone in. I saved her life so she owes me." Zane called up the stairs.

"Fine, just send up here." I said as I sat up and looked at Jared.

"I don't think I can leave the two of you up here alone without our supervision." Jared says going into parental mode.

"Really! You think I would like someone like Zane. He's an obnoxious, arrogant jerk who has an enormous ego." I yelled before Zane came up the stairs.

"Actually I would like to add to that. You forgot to mention that I'm the hottest guy in school and I can get any girl I want." Zane declared as he walked into my room.

"Any girl except me." I mumbled under my breath.

"Are you sure about that? Wanna bet? I bet that I can get you to fall for me by the end of this year and you have to get me to fall for you which believe me babe that's impossible." Zane said boosting up his ego even more.

"Fine. What do you want if you win? I know what I want already. I want you to . . . sing "Party In The USA" in front of the whole school wearing a bikini." I said as I saw Zane gulp. "Already doubting yourself, babe?"

"Nope but I know I'm not going to lose because that punishment will ruin my rep." Zane replied.

"What rep? Is it the whole bad boy image that you don't want ruined or is it something else? Whoops did I make your ego smaller?" I smirked as he watched me.

"As entertaining as this has all been, Zane you can leave now." Jared said as he tried to get Zane out of the house.

Key word here is tried.

Once Jared said that, Aunt Sheryl came upstairs and asked Zane to stay and take care of me while the rest of them go to a banquet dinner.

"No, Aunt Sheryl I appreciate it but I'm a big girl and can take care of myself." I said but she wasn't having it.

"Zane is going to stay here to take care of you and that's FINAL! We should be back around 11 and I expect the house to be in good condition when we return. Oops, I almost forgot to tell Jeremy since he's not here." Aunt Sheryl said before rushing out of the room.

"Jared what are you doing and why are you hiding cameras in my room?" I asked suspiciously.

"I have to make sure you guys don't do anything stupid that will make the entire football squad to come after you, Zane." Jared said before walking out the room.

Around 6, they left for the banquet dinner so it was just me and Zane in the house. Right now Zane was flipping through channels on my tv while I was on the bed.

"Alright this is getting boring let's play 20 questions." Zane suggested after turning the tv off.

"Sure." I replied. Might as well since there isn't anything else for me to do.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked him.

"Red."He said while setting up his iPod dock to listen to music.

"Why do you put up your guard every time someone wants to know about you?" Zane asked me curiously.

"I figured the less people that know about you and your past the better. That's why I don't let people in because in the end they just end up getting hurt, either mentally or physically." I said.

Zane nodded his head in understanding as the game continued. Once we were finished the game, I was starving to death. I sat up and tried to stand up but ended up falling back down.

"Uh, aren't you supposed to help me instead of laughing at me?" I asked Zane since he was on the floor dying in laughter.

"I forgot besides the best thing is it's all been recorded." Zane said between laughter. Zane got up and walked over to me, offering a hand.

I stared at his hand outstretched and many memories came rushing back about Mikey.

It was a normal Saturday afternoon and Mikey was going to take me to the beach for a surprise. Once we got to the beach, Mikey set out a picnic blanket. Mikey went out in the ocean while I was getting a tan since I can't swim. I was listening to my music when Mikey called me over. I told him I can't swim and he stuck out his hand for me.

"I'm trusting you, don't make me drown or something." I said to him as I took his hand.

"Why would I do something like that? You know I wouldn't let you get hurt or . . . would I?" Michael teased as I got out of his grasp and started walking back towards the beach. Someone tugged on my hand and spun me around so I was face to chest. I looked up and got lost in Michael's brown eyes.

"I'm never going to let you get hurt. I'm asking you to trust me. You won't even have a single scratch when I'm around because I'll be there to protect you forever." Mikey said in a serious voice. He pecked me on the lips and took my hand. He led me into the water and that's how I learned how to trust people.

"Hello, earth to April?" Zane asked as I snapped out of it.

He still was offering his hand to me. I took his hand and suddenly he yanked me forwards. I fell down on top of him so our noses were touching. I ignored the pain in my leg as I looked up into Zane's hazel eyes. I got lost in his eyes that I didn't notice his hands on my waist. I tried getting up but every time I did he would tighten his grip on my waist.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" I exclaimed as I struggled to get out of his grip then an idea came to me. I stopped struggling and started to lean forward. Zane started to lean forward too but I quickly turned my head and kissed his cheek. I used that moment to sit up so I was straddling his waist. I looked in his eyes and I caught a mixture of emotions run through them. There was lust, anger, guilt, and surprise. Why was he guilty, it's not like he did anything. Then in that moment I heard a camera click.

"What do we have here?" Someone said as they stood in the doorway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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