Chapter 1-5: Gonna Have a Blast

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Soon, everyone arrives in the Mirror Chamber in order to get to their destination.

Jamil says, "Good morning, Headmage."

"And good morning to you," Crowley says.

"I appreciate you letting us use the Dark Mirror," Jamil says.

"Yeah, totally! Thanks a bunch!" Kalim happily says.

"Why, of course. This is an important event for the Asims, is it not? It's the least I could do. Oh, but my kindness knows NO BOUNDS," Crowley says, "Do send my regards to your father! And naturally, I will graciously accept whatever souvenirs you see fit to bring back."

"There it is. I knew there was no way he'd let us do this for free," Trey responds.

"No kidding," Jasper says.

Crowley ignores the statement and says, "Well, that's enough small talk. We wouldn't want to keep your esteemed guest waiting."

"Guest?" Jamil questions, but then says, "Oh, you mean Lilia. I'm guessing he beat us here?""

"Hm? Your guest has been waiting for quite some time, yes..." Crowley says, "But it isn't Vanrouge."

Kalim becomes confused and asks, "No? So it's Silver, then?"

Just then, they hear footsteps and turn over to see who the guest is. To everyone's surprise and shock, it's really Malleus.

Malleus says, "Good morning."

Jamil is shocked, "Malleus?!"

"It's Tsunotarou. Good morning," Briar says with a smile.

"Good morning, Briar," Malleus says, giving her a calm smile.

Then turns to Jamil, "You're going to visit the Scalding Sands, yes? I'm pleased to be joining you."

Everyone reacts in shock, "BWHA?"

"Really?" Briar asks, surprised, but at the same time, actually pleased.

This especially has Jamil shocked, "Lilia invited YOU?!"

"So that's what he was playing at! Talk about a curveball," Cater says, surprised and impressed.

Then Malleus says, "As I'm Briar Valley's heir apparent, I don't leave home very often. I'd hoped to broaden my horizons more... But when I am at home, having to deal with the senate does not make leisure travel easy. So Lilia invited me on this trip. He said that so long as I'm in school, I should feel free to travel abroad as I please."

"Aw, what a sweetheart!" Cater says.

"That's really nice of him," Briar says.

Then Kalim asks, "Where IS Lilia, by the way?"

"Oh, he woke up with terrible stomach pains this morning. He's in no condition to travel. So it'll be just myself," Malleus says.

The boys are shocked to hear it, "WHAT?!"

Then Malleus explains, "Lilia said his meal last night 'missed the mark.' But as he lay doubled over on the floor, he told me not to squander the opportunity, and to go have fun without him. This will be my first trip without an escort, but I plan to make the most of it for Lilia's sake."

"You've never been on a trip without guards before?!" Jamil asks, shocked.

"I'm sorry to hear Lilia is sick and unable to go. I hope he gets better soon," Briar says.

"I'm sure Lilia will appreciate it," Malleus says.

"Oh, gosh... Poor Lilia. It's a huge shame he can't come..." Kalim says, feeling bad for him.

But then Kalim smiles, "But I'll make sure you have enough fun for the BOTH of you! You're gonna have a blast!"

Suddenly, Jamily panics, "HOLD ON A MINUTE," And tries to calmly say to Kalim, "Kalim, Malleus is royalty."

"Right, and? B" Kalim questions, "Briar is basically royalty herself and an endangered species, and you're not too bothered by it."

"Are you serious right now?" Kalim questions with a frown, "What if something happens to him while his chaperone isn't present?! It could set off an international incident well beyond our control! And even though Briar is the last royal princess of the Seerwood Family and the last of her kind, she lived her life as a normal girl and was not used to it. I don't feel the need to push it on to her. Although, she is very close to Malleus, so there's that, and still new to our world."

Then Malleus says, "Someone of your magical ability need not worry about me. I'm hardly fragile. And I will be able to watch over Briar and her friends."

"Well, I see your point, but still..." Jamil speaks up.

"Then what is the issue, Viper?" Malleus questions, "Judging by the look on your face, you seem to think I'm a nuisance."

Jamil quickly says, "NO! No, not at all! You honor us with your presence!"

"I was under the impression I had been invited. Was I mistaken? Have I imposed upon your group?" Malleus responds.

"Not in the least...!" Jamil says.

Suddenly, they hear sounds of thunder coming from outside.

"Hey, does anybody else hear thunder?" Trey says.

Tanzanite then says, "You're right. There is thunder going on outside, looking out through one of the windows."

"And there are gray clouds too," Sereia says.

"Sure do... And it was so clear a minute ago," Cater says.

Grim becomes uneasy, "Tsunotarou's face is gettin' scarier by the second..."

"Oh dear, I think he's not too happy about what Jamil is saying.

Jamil soon becomes frustrated, "Argh, Malleus's mood is sinking rapidly...

Then Crowley says, "From what Draconia tells me, he's been waiting here for the past three hours."

"Dang! Malleus was REALLY looking forward to this," Cater says.

Then Kalim says to Jamil, "Jamil, I think you're blowing things way out of proportion. I just wanna show my friends around my hometown. That's normal enough, right?"

"Kalim is right. Tsunotarou seems really excited to go. He should come with us," Briar says with a smile.

"Just so. Is there a problem with me coming along as simply your classmate?" Malleus questions.

"No, it's not a problem, it's just..." Jamail says, feeling like he's losing the debate.

Trey is kind of surprised, "Wow, never thought I'd see Jamil lose a debate...even one that's stacked against him."

"Briar, Malleus and Kalim are so blissfully unaware of the struggles of those around them. They're just little balls of sunshine!" Cater says.

And soon, Jamil has to give in, "Okay, fine. I guess we've no choice but to bring Malleus along...without any sort of escort or chaperone."

"Aw yeah, this is gonna be awesome—" Cater says with a smile. But then says, "Uh, I mean, awkward. You know, because it's such a serious situation and all."

"...You're just thinking about the pictures you'll get out of this! You're not even a little worried about what we've gotten ourselves into here?" Trey questions.

"Well, have a wonderful trip, everyone! And if there's any trouble during your vacation, I want absolutely nothing to do with it!" Crowley says.

Jamil lets out a sigh, "I can already tell this year's Fireworks Fest is going to be a doozy..."

"Shake a leg, boys! We're off to the Scalding Sands!" Grim happily says.

And with that, the group head through the Dark Mirror and their adventure to the Scalding Sands Kalim and Jamil's hometown begins.

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