Chapter 3-8: A Playful Streak

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The group continues on their tour around the camel bazaar, and they reach other stands other than ones with food.

Cater notices some and asks, "Hey, what's up with all those blue ceramic pots and urns over there?"

Indeed, there are different blue ceramic pots, and other items.

"There are a lot of different sizes. What are they used for?" Trey asks.

"Oh, tons of things," Jamil answers, "You can store things like grains and coffee in them, use them as flower vases, you name it. And this urn here is used to ward off bad things."

"Bag things?" Sereia asks.

Is there a story to that?" Trey asks.

"In one part of the young man's tale, some people were chasing him... So he hid himself in an urn, and in doing so, evaded danger," Jamil says.

"We have one of these in front of our house too. They're supposed to keep bad vibes from coming inside," Najma says.

"Somethin' tells me it don't do squat," Grim says, not very interested.

And then he has an idea, "Check this! Hup!"

Soon, Grim begins climbing up and is on the urn.

"Grim, don't do that!" Briar cries out.

"Hey, don't climb on the rim! If you do, something bad might—" Najma calls out.

But it's too late, "Mrah?!" Grim ends up falling into the ceramic pot.

"Grimmy fell in the urn! Between this and the canal, he's really committing to the bit," Cater says.

Grim cries out from inside the urn, "Get me outta here! Briar, Sereia, Jasper, Tanzanite, anyone, pull me out!"

Briar is about to do something, but Malleus places his hand on her shoulder.

He then says, "Don't indulge him. This is what he gets for mocking a local tradition."

"Let this be a lesson to stop messing around, Grim," Jamil says.

Najma turns to Jamil, "You're one to talk, Jamil. You got in one of those things too when we were kids."

"Hey...!" Jamil cries out.

"Grim's one story, but Viper? I can't fathom why he would," Malleus says, a little surprised.

"How in the world did that happen?" Briar asks.

Najma then explains, "Mom was getting on him about something, and so he pulled the urn over himself to hide under it. He started tiptoeing away while the urn was still over him... And I saw it and freaked out. I was all like, 'The urn grew legs!' Boy, that's something I'll never forget."

Soon, Briar, Sereia, and Trinket begin laughing.

"Wow. Hard to imagine Jamil doing that," Trey says.

"I know! That's so precious!" Cater says.

"Look, I was a kid, okay?!" Jamil shouts, feeling very embarrassed.

Najma then says, "Oh! I actually have a picture of it. Wanna see?"

This upsets Jamil, "Why do you have that?! No! Don't you dare show them!"

Najma laughs, "Ahaha, relax! I'm kidding. What, you think I walk around with your baby pictures in my wallet?"

"Rrrgh..." Jamil grumbles in anger.

Soon, Grim screams from the pot, "I'M STILL IN HERE!"

"Okay, calm down. I'll get you out," Trey says.

He soon reaches inside the pot and manages to get Grim out.

"That was the worst..." Grim says.

"Thanks for embarrassing me in the process. Sheesh..." Jamil says.

The group continues walking along the bazaar.

Malleus soon notices Grim is standing behind him.

"...Grim," Malleus speaks up.

"Yeah?" Grim replies.

"You've been trailing after me for a while now. Why is that?" Mallues asks.

Grim laughs, "Wahahah! I've been walkin' in your shadow 'cuz it's hot. Galaxy Brain Grim, that's me!"

Malleus remains silent for a minute, and suddenly, he disappears right before Grim's eyes.

Grim yelps, "Mrah?! Where'd Malleus go?!"

And Malleus reappears behind Grim.

Grim looks behind and yelps, "ACK! How'd you get behind me?!" And angrily says, "C'mon, lemme be in your shade!"

"You're welcome to it, of course—IF you can get behind me," Malleus says, and disappears.

Grim cries out, "MRAAAH!"

Everyone watches as Grim tries to get behind Malleus to stay in the shake, but Malleus disappears and reappears behind Grim. Everyone begins laughing.

"Okay Tsunotaro, I think that's enough," Briar says.

Trey agrees, "Okay, Malleus, enough teasing Grim."

"Malleus has a playful streak, all right. You'd never guess it though," Cater says.

Soon, Grim gets too tired, "Mraaah... I'm bushed...and so hot..."

"I'll bet after all that running around," Trey says.

"It's just past noon, too, so it's the hottest part of the day," Jamil says.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've sweated all the water out of my system by now," Trey says.

Then Najma suggests, "How about we all get some coconut water, then? It's great for cooling off!"

"Ooo, local coconut water, you say? I'd love to try some," Trey says.

"Kalim recommended it too. He's real big on the stuff!" Cater says.

Then Jamil says, "There's a juice stand on our way. We can pick some up there."

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