[185] MOVE ON - JULY 19 2024

775 94 11

A/N: my stories make no sense.

Jimin's life had been hard growing up - already his family wasn't in the best of financial situations and because of some rare genetic disease which both his parents unfortunately had, they ended up passing away when Jimin was barely 10 years old.

For the rest of his life, Jimin was in an orphanage. He had a bit of money from his parents insurance which he saved up and used wisely. He started working when he was 15. He studied hard and tried to be the best version of the person he could be. It was hard, very hard but he stayed strong.


Jimin was a determined guy and he worked his ass off to earn a scholarship to a prestigious college. He didn't want his education to be a reason to not get a good salaried job. Jimin wasn't always in the best of health too, he would often faint or get dizzy but he never sought medical help. He always attributed it to his part time jobs, classes and lack of good food and rest.


Jungkook met Jimin in college. They weren't friends till one project collaboration brought them together. Jungkook was rich and it intrigued him how despite Jimin's hardships, the boy always had a positive attitude towards life. Jungkook on the other hand would freak out if his mobile charge ran down to 10%. Jimin made him view life with meaning and that made the man calm and at peace. It wasn't shocking that Jungkook fell for the tiny boy.


Jimin first rejected Jungkook when the man asked him out, even if he also liked Jungkook back because he felt he didn't deserve the man's love. He has seen how the arrogant rich man had turned into a loving kind friend in a short time. Jimin saw how the man changed his arrogance and he knew it wasn't fake - it took 2 years for Jungkook to completely be the person he was today from his previous stubborn self.

Jungkook proved everyday that Jimin deserved happiness and love too, that financial status doesn't matter. Jungkook even left his family home and started working along side Jimin at part time jobs, saving money to start his own business. They had graduated by then. They both supported each other in their respective careers


Everything was going well till Jungkook's start-up business started crumbling down due to a minor error from his side. This was a humiliation to his family and before the news could be public, Jungkook's parents insisted that he marry Taehyung, their family friend's son.


Jungkook was of course against it and he fought a great deal with his family but the one person he thought would stand by him, also encouraged him to marry Taehyung and that was his beloved Jimin

"Why?!" I love you damn it! Why the hell should I marry someone who isn't you?! Even in my dreams I can't dare to give my name to someone.. please... please don't do this... I only have you Jiminah.... please...." Jungkook cried on his knees "...we have each other right?... I promise I will work hard and bring my company back up....you just have to trust me...."

Jimin shakes his head, his eyes teraing up as well

"If you love me... you will marry him.." Jungkook couldn't believe this "...its only for a year..."

"Is marriage a joke to you Jimin?! Well it isn't for me! I will marry only you and no one else!"

This conversation had been going on for hours till a teary Jimin holds a blade to his wrist making Jungkook shocked and worried

"Please... please... I'm so tired... I can't see you suffering in front of your family... if you don't marry him, I'm going to hurt myself...."

The color in Jungkook's face faded ".... Is this your love for me? Am I a puppet for you?! My love is nothing isn't it?" Jungkook walks towards Jimin and throws away the blade "...How dare you do this?! How dare you try to hurt yourself?! Why isn't my love enough?" Jungkook broke down crying again

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