What is wrong with you? (3)

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I enter the little hut. Clint drove us here.
Steve didn't talk the whole ride here.

The house is quite nice, it appears to have two bedrooms, a small kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. Clint shows me to one of the bedrooms, it is small with a tiny window, there is nothing inside except for a bed and a little closet.

I get a room for myself since I'm the only girl and Clint and Steve will share the other room.

I put down my bag, it's full of clothes Wanda gave me, she and I are about the same height and I didn't bring anything.

She said I could keep them, because she has way too many clothes any way.
And because she is sure that I will look better in them.

I lay down on the bed and close my eyes, I only wanted to rest for a minute, but I am so tired that my eyes just fall closed.

A few hours later I wake up again.
I can hear Steve and Clint talking in the room next to mine. I can't make out their words, but it sounds like a heated argument.

I can't sleep so I decide to update my mom.
'Hey momma, I know it's late and I should sleep.... but I have great news, my dad doesn't hate me! He may not love me like you did, but maybe we can become friends.
Steve however doesn't seem to like me....
I don't get why, however I won't tell them about my powers just yet, maybe I will after the whole HYDRA thing is over.... I should go to sleep now. Love you and I'll keep you up to date!' I finish and close my eyes again.

I manage to fall asleep again and the next time I wake up is in the morning. After a while of just laying around I get up.
I want to ask Clint if he heard anything from my dad.

I head out of my room and hear someone in the kitchen. I want to enter but I discover that it is Steve who appears to be busy burning some toast. I slowly leave, sure I could ask Steve, but he doesn't like me and I'm not about to bother him with my presence. I walk to their bedroom and knock the door, it is open slightly and when no one answers I pop my head through.

'Clint?' I ask, but the room is empty. J Wan to lea e but my eyes fall onto a laptop on one of the beds, it I open and on. The screen shows a programm for over hearing other people and the whole thing is labeled: Jessica Stark.... the date is last night. I ball my hands into fists and walk over to the bed. I don't know whose it is, but I don't care either.

I shake my head not willing to believe my eyes.

'What are you doing?' A voice interrupts me. I turn around, Steve is standing in the door way with a wooden spoon in his hand.
He appears to come straight from the kitchen.
I point to the laptop, 'care to enlighten me on why you are spying on me?' I ask angrily.

'We're not spying on you!' Steve hisses.

'No? Because it sure looks like it!' I hiss back.

Steve comes closer a step, holding the spoon menacingly. I instinctively step back.

'Put that away!' I demand. 'What? Why?' I caught him off guard.

'Because I'm not armed, so it's not fair for you to be!' I hiss.

'It's a spoon, it's not considered a weapon!'

'It is too, do you know what happens if you hit someone with one of those long and hard enough?' I ask.
He shakes his head confused.

'This!' I pull up my sleeve and show him a nasty scar on my wrist.

'Fine!' Steve throws the spoon behind himself. Right into Clints face, 'oww! What was that for?' He hisses.

'Sorry man!' Steve comes a step closer.
'So what were you doing in here?' He demands to know.

'I'll answer your question if you tell me why the fuck you are spying on me!' I offer.

'Language!' Steve hisses coldly.
'Just answer the fucking question Rogers!'

'Answer mine first!'


'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!' He yells at me.

'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?' George yelled at me.
I cover my ears and instinctively let myself fall to the ground when he whips out a plate. He throws it at me and another one and another one and one more and another one.
With each plate he yells an insult.

And so on.

~end of flashback~

Steve's pov
Jess sunk to the ground and began screaming. I stare at her confused. She screams like someone is trying to kill her.
In between the screams she sobs.

I kneel down next to her and realize that she is shaking. Clint stares at her wide eyed, ' DON'T JUST STARE CALL A DOCTOR!!!' I yell at him, then I pull Jess into a hug, trying to comfort her a little, at first she doesn't react at all.

Then I notice that she stopped screaming, but she is still shaking and sobbing.

Clint runs in with the phone. He puts it on loud.
'Hello?' The doctor asks.
Clint quickly explains the situation, I barely hear them talking, I'm too busy keeping Jess from hurting herself.

She punched me like three times already, but I couldn't care less.
Clint comes over and sits beside me.

'He says it's some kind of flashback, we have to wait till it passes and make sure she doesn't hurt herself.' He explains what the doctor told him.

'He also said we need to take her home. I'm gonna call Tony and explain it to him.'
I nod and concentrate on Jess again.
I hold her a little tighter because she starts wiggling around.

Suddenly she stops all at once.
I look down at her and notice her looking back at me.

Her eyes are red and puffy. I quickly let go off her and say, 'you have a good punch.'

She looks at me in confusion.

I get up and rub my arm.
'Pack your stuff we are going back.' I announce.

Heya, what's up?
I'm excited for the next chapter!
Gonna go write!

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