Did you turn the stove off? (15)

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Jessica's pov

'Changed my mind.' I whisper.

'Steve opens his mouth to reply, but is cut off by a loud siren.
I get up lightning fast and look at Clint.

'Did you turn the stove off? Please tell me that you did!' I look at him uncertain.

'Shit!' He turns around and looks up the stairs.

I run past him and enter the living room, which is located next to the kitchen.
It's full of smoke and I cough when I breath it in.
However I ignore that and run into the kitchen. It's full of fire. I hear the others come in behind me.

'Jessica get out, we need to call the firefighters.' Dad calls and grabs my arm trying to pull me out.

'No, stop. I'll take care of it.' I clap my hands twice and the fire dies down until the room is only filled with smoke.

Clint runs over and rips open the window.
I pick up the lid of pan and look into it.

'We can have ashes for dinner.' I announce whilst looking at what's left from the mushrooms.

'Put that down Jess!' Dad calls and flings the lid out of my hand.
I look at him confused.

'It's burning hot!' He says when je sees my expression.

'Oh, I don't really get burned. It's a nice side effect of fire powers.' I hold up my hand showing that it isn't even red.

We exit the kitchen and I open the windows in the living room, then I fall down on the couch and cross my arms over my chest.
I feel better after a good brutal fight, but I still don't like Steve or Wanda.
And I would like to say that I'm not resentful, but I am. So I do expect an apology.

'I suppose we aren't cooking dinner then?' Nat asks and I shake my head.
Now that I have time to settle down I notice that something wet and warm us dripping down my arm. Great one of my wounds must have re-opened during my fight with Steve.
I'm about to get up and leave the room when Nat sits down next to me.

'And? Did it help cool you down? A good fight always helps me calm myself.'

'What? Yeah it was a great idea, uhm if you'll excuse me I need to go to the toilet.'
I say and jump up to escape the room.

I run into my bathroom and take off my shirt. The right sleeve is full off blood.
I open a cabinet in which I keep some medication and other first aid stuff.
I take out a cloth and make it wet. Then I try to dab away the blood, however the flow doesn't stop.... I press the wet cloth against the wound and hope that the blood will stop. Which it doesn't.
I sigh, knowing that I'm gonna have to ask Bruce for help, seeing that he's a doctor.
I fling the cloth into the sink angrily and exit the bathroom.

In my room I pull out a top from my closet and put it on.
I exit my room and walk down the stairs, covering the open cut with my hand, not wanting to drip blood all over the floor.

I pop my head into the living room and look around for Bruce. He isn't inside.
However Bucky is.

'Where's Bruce?' I ask him.

'In his room, I think.' He answers.

'Thanks.' I turn around and walk up the stairs to Bruces room.
I knock on the door.

'Yes?' He asks.
I pop the door open and look inside.
He's sitting at his desk writing something down.

'I need your help!' I say and his head snaps up.

'What's wrong.'
I uncover my cut and show it to him.

'Oh shoot. How'd you manage that?'

'Maybe I should've listened to the nurse when she said no sports for a month.' I say quietly.

'Are you kidding me?' He asks.
I shrug and Bruce gets up.

'Come on.' He walks out of the room and into the direction of the hospital room.
I follow him like a little duckling.
He opens the door and gestures for me to sit on the stretcher.

'Let's see then.' He puts on gloves and takes a look at my scratch.

'Oh, Jess. Couldn't you have remembered what the nurse said before you decided to fight Steve.'

'I would do it again!' I say instantly.

'I know.' Bruce sighs.
'You'll need stitches, you are aware of that, right?'

'Uhm NO!' I say hastily.

'Jess, what did you expect.'

'Okay bye!' I get up and make to leave, but Bruce sits me back down.

'What do you think you're doing?' He asks.

'I'll go find a corner to silently bleed out in!' I announce.

'Jessica. It's gonna be fine I promise.' He says seriously.

'Not a chance!'

'Come on, it's for your health.'

'You'll need the whole avengers including a team of agents to hold me down while you use a fucking needle to stich my arm!' I announce and try to get up again, but he shoves me back.

'Bruce, I'm not joking!'

'Jess, what else do you want me to do?'

'Literally anything!'

'Okay wait a second.'
He gets up and leaves the room, only to come back with Bucky a second later.

'Seriously?' I get up to quickly make an exit, but Bucky catches me and holds me tightly, so that I can't even move.

'This is not funny guys!' I hiss and try to wiggle out of his arms, which only causes him to hold me tighter.

'You might not want to watch.' Bruce says and I shut my eyes tightly and turn my head around.
I feel a sting and my arm begins to go numb.

'Can you feel this?' Bruce asks.

'No! Get over with it!' I whine and hold my breath.
A while later Bruce is finished.

'OK all done, Buck you can let her go now.'
Bucky steps back and I exhale, opening my eyes again. I look over at my arm and shudder.

'Thanks.' I mutter and leave the room.
I go back to mine and sit down in my bed.
I decide to listen to some music.

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