Don't fall asleep on my watch! (22)

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Jessica's pov

A shower of glass comes down, Steve turns around so that I doesn't hit me.
I bury my face in his chest and try to breathe.

'Guys?' A very familiar voice ask.
Steve turns back around and stares at Clint who is standing next to Peter.
Both look worried and as if they are in a hurry.
I close my eyes relieved.

'Hey, don't fall asleep on my watch!' Cap says worried.
Only now the two seem to notice the blood dripping from my wound.

'Jess, what happened?' Clint asks fear showing in his eyes.

'Oh nothing to bad. I went for a swim and to the north pole, didn't see any penguins though. And then George got impatient.' I laugh histerically.

'I think the blood loss is getting to her head.' Steve whispers, he's busy trying to untie the ropes around my wrists.

'No, I'm fine, in fact I am great. Never before have I felt this good in my entire life, if only I could breathe.' I muse.

The guys exchange worried glances.

'Breathing would be good!' Peter says silently.
I chuckle and lean my head against Steve's shoulder who is still holding me. I close my eyes. If he let's go of me I'm going to fall straight onto the floor.

'Uhm, Jessica don't fall asleep. You really need to stay awake!' Steve sounds worried.

'But I'm so tired!' I whine.

'You can sleep later, I promise! Come on you did so great this whole time, don't give up now.' Steve encourages me.

'Uhm, I really don't want to be annoying, but we should REALLY get going!' Clint calls.

Only now I notice the rope that hangs from the ceiling, apparently one of Hawkeyes special arrows.

'Peter can you help Jess? I think your webs are the safest option and I honestly can't see her climbing up a robe.' Cap says.

'I don't like robe climbing.' I say.
Peter nods and steps forward.

'Can you hold on to me?' He asks.

'Sure!' I laugh and spread out my arms to hug him.
He steps closer and I wrap my arms around his neck, which is a struggle because he's taller than me.

Peter's pov

Jess wraps her arms around me.
I put one arm around her, careful not to touch her injury. She begins to giggle.

'You're tickling me!' She chuckles.

'Sorry.' I say uncomfortably.

'Be careful!' Captain America warns me.
I nod and shoot a few webs at the ceiling pulling myself and Jess up. I try my best not to move her so much.
Captain America and Hawkeye are already through the window.

The captain reaches through the opening in the ceiling and helps me pull Jess up.
I climb through after her.

Steve's pov

I grab Jess and pull her up. She's like a dead weight in my arms.
The kid climbs up after her.
Her eyes are closed. My heart stops for a second and then beats super fast.

'Jessica? Don't sleep!' I say a little bit panicked.
She groans and opens her eyes a little bit.
On the roof Ironman and Falcon have already been waiting for us. Now Tony rushes over to his daughter.
Only now I remember that Jess' hands are inside of these gloves together.
I help her get them off.

'What happened?' Tony asks fearfully.

'George got annoyed at us.' Jess says barely audible.

'Can I go to sleep now?' She directs the question at me.

'Not yet, you only need to wait a few more minutes.' I promise.

Tony picks her up.
'I'll take you to the hospital.' He says to Jess.
'See you later.' He calls over his shoulder and flies away.

I watch him leave.

'Any serious injuries?' Clint asks me concerned.
'No, he concentrated on Jess.' I say.

'Hey uhm guys, I think we should get away quickly.' Peter peers into the room.
He looks concerned.

Natasha's pov

I wait in the car a block away from our destination.
I hear running and look over my shoulder.
I see Peter, Clint and Steve running to the car. Sam apparently already flew away, Tony with him. Hopefully Jess is with them.

I pop open the door and turn on the engine.
The others jump into the car.

'Go, go, go!' Steve calls and closes the door.

'Nice to see you too!' I call over my shoulder dryly. I press the gas and begin driving.
Peter looks out of the car on the back.

'Seatbelts!' I order and they all quickly fasten them.

'Where's Jess?' I demand to know.

'Hopefully in the hospital.' Steve replies.

'What?' I ask concerned.
'What in the world happened, Steve? Clint and I were away for two days and you two get kidnapped immediately!' I say puzzled.

'Well, we were at this ball, you see. And Jess recognized her mother's cousin, George. So i went to check it out. And when I tried to get back to her these dudes pulled me into a room on the side of the ball room. They must've put me asleep with some chlorophyll. And the next thing I remember is waking up in a dark room tied to a chair. Jess was there too and George. He wanted to know what we were doing at the ball and when I wouldn't tell him, he started torturing Jess to make me, but I didn't and then he lost patience and shot her and when he did, he got a call or something and he headed out of the room. He didn't bother to tie Jess to the chair again. She was wearing these flame absorbing gloves and her hands were tied infront of her, he probably thought that she couldn't move with the wound. Fortunately she could, she managed to free me and then Peter and Clint came.' Steve explains.

My heart drops when he announces that Jess was shot.
'Shot where?' I ask worried.

'Her left side, I think the bullet only brushed her and didn't go through, but I don't know exactly.' Steve says.

'Luckily we were there when we were!' Clint says.

'Wouldn't have hurt if you had been a bit earlier. I mean literally.' Steve announces.

'Sorry.' Clint says quietly.

'Will Jess be okay?' Peter asks hesitantly.
I look at him in the review mirror, he looks pale and worried and as if he's trying to hold back tears. My eyes trail down and I notice a big splotch of blood on his suit.

'Are you hurt?' I ask and nod at the red substance.

'Not mine, hers....' he whispers silently.

My heart beats fast, it's a lot of blood on his suit and if Jess lost even more....

'I'm sure she will be fine. We all know Jess, right? She's a fighter!' Clint tries to cheer him up or himself, I'm not sure, because in his eyes I see doubt.

'What day is it?' Steve asks after a while of silence.

'29th of December.' I answer.

'We've been gone for 3 days?' Steve ask alarmed.
I nod and concentrate on driving again.

Omgs I just couldn't stop writing!
I didn't even have to think about it, the words just flowed onto the screen!
I literally had to force myself to finish the chapter. I think I could've gone on for another 1000 words!

Fun fact, I have a teacher who always talks about torture methods.
It's quite interesting, but also very concerning. Definitely not for everyone.
I sometimes don't want hear them either, but I really find it interesting how he teaches history, he's my German teacher btw.

Okay, I'll see you soon, bye bye<3<3<3

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