Chapter Eighteen

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The tantalizing aroma of cooking wafted into my nostrils. I blinked my eyes several times, trying to adjust to the light streaming through the gaps in the open barn. Hunger and curiosity stirred me to rise, leaving the cold, dusty floor where I had been lying.

I gently pushed the door, and it surprisingly opened easily. I left the barn and cautiously walked towards the nearby house. The damp earth and tall grass brushed against my legs, adding to the feeling of returning to a familiar place.

As I approached the house, familiar sounds grew clearer. The sizzle of a frying pan and the gentle clinking of a spoon stirring a pot created a soothing melody. I opened the door slowly, afraid that a loud noise would shatter the peaceful atmosphere.

Entering the kitchen, the sight that greeted me made me rub my eyes repeatedly. I saw mom from behind, cooking. Steam from her cooking swirled around, filling the room with a delicious aroma that made my stomach growl. In her embrace, Aster was there, her small, innocent face looking serene, her head resting on mom's shoulder.

Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of happiness and relief. I stood there for a moment, watching the scene I had longed for. Mom, with her slightly graying hair and slightly hunched shoulders. Every movement showed her deep love, both for her cooking and for Aster, who was nestled in her arms.

With slow steps, I approached them, not wanting to disturb this beautiful moment. "Mom..." my voice trembled with emotion. Mom turned, and her face instantly lit up with the smile I missed so much. "Lily..." she said softly, putting down his spoon and welcoming me with the warm embrace I had long longed for.

I hugged them tightly, feeling the love and warmth that had been missing for so long, and for a moment, all my worries and fears disappeared. I looked at him, as if afraid that all this was just an illusion. "Are you okay, Mom?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper, heavy with emotion.

Mom turned and smiled, the sunlight streaming through the window making her face glow. "I've been fine all this time, My Daugther," she replied in a soothing voice. She stroked Aster's hair, who was still asleep in her arms, signaling that everything would be alright.

Tears streamed down my face, an overwhelming sense of relief filling my heart. "I was so worried, Mom," I said, wiping away my tears. I hugged her again.

Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard from outside the house. "Lily!" Dad's call was clear and full of concern.

"That voice is dad!" I exclaimed, my footsteps following the sound. I walked carefully through the living room, towards the backyard. Each step felt so real, yet also like a dream, as if I was afraid this reality would disappear if I moved too quickly.

As I reached the back door, I saw Dad squatting in the yard, busy planting flowers under the warm morning sun. His hands touched the soil, planting seeds. The sight brought back sweet memories of my childhood, when we would often garden together.

"Are you back, dad?" I asked.

Dad turned, the warm smile I had always longed for spreading across his face. He stood up, wiped the soil from his hands, and looked at me with loving eyes. "Back?" he said, walking closer. "I never left you, Lily, and I'm always here for you!"

I stared at him, my eyes welling up. "But, Dad, I feel like I haven't seen you in so long. This whole thing feels like a nightmare."

Dad shook his head and hugged me tightly. "Lily, we may be separated by circumstances, but my love and prayers are always with you. I know you've been through a tough time, but I always believed you were strong."

I sobbed in his embrace, feeling a sense of calm. "Dad, I'm scared of losing you all. I don't know what to do."

Dad gently stroked my back. "You're not alone, Lily. We'll face this together, as a family. Mom, Aster, and I, we're all here for you."

I lifted my face and looked at dad. "Thank you, Dad."

Dad smiled, then picked a single white lily that was blooming beautifully and placed it in my hand. "Give this to your mom!"

I nodded, holding the white lily stem carefully. The petals felt soft against my fingers, and a delicate fragrance wafted from the flower. With light steps, I walked back to the kitchen, a wide smile etched on my face.

Upon entering the kitchen, my eyes immediately searched for my mom's figure. My brow furrowed as I realized she was nowhere to be seen. The pots and pans were still neatly arranged, as if she had just stepped away for a moment. A pang of worry began to creep into my mind. "Mom?!" I called out, looking around. There was no answer.

I placed the lily flower on the kitchen table and rushed out to the backyard, hoping to find dad there. However, when I reached the yard, my eyes were met only with an empty garden. Dad wasn't there either.

"Dad? Mom?" I called out again, louder this time. I ran back to the kitchen with hurried steps. I noticed the white lily flower I had brought earlier still lying on the table.

A void wrapped around my heart, squeezing my emotions until it was hard to breathe. The sound of my sobs was so silent, as if echoing in the empty room, making me realize the loneliness that was enveloping me. Like my shadow that seemed faint around me, I was ignored, lost in feelings that were so deep and unreachable.

The flowing tears woke me up from my sleep. "Just a dream," I muttered, sounding pathetic.

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