Out of control

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 . . . Alright I know it's been awhile but i've been VERY busy. And if you think I'm lying ask my mom, it's her wedding soon and we had all that planning.


Lucy's P.O.V: I was in total shock. I pushed Natsu off of me. "W-what?!?!" I blushed. Rose jumped through the window. "R-rose!!" I yelled trying to run to her. "The hell are you doing the my cousin ya' bastard!!!" Rose yelled at Natsu.

Natsu's P.O.V: Rose non-stopped scolded me. I felt so bad!!!

Why don't we just take the damn girl out

WHAT?!?! But Luce cares about her!!!

If you mark Luce~ She won't care.

GRRRrrrrrRRRRR, your making me angry!!!!

Guess I'll just take control then




And I lost it

Natsu's(the one taking over)'s P.O.V:

"Lucy Heartfilia . . . . " I growled her name. She started to shake in fear. I inwardly smirked. But . . . . why do I feel sad-ish. Grrrrrrr. Damn you Lucy Heartfilia. "Please tell me your not . . . " Rose said eyes widen. "I'm the dragon inside Natsu, his instincts you can say. What ever you want to call me I just do what natsu truly wants . . . . And that's Lucy Heartfilia's heart." I launched an attack. "You take one more step Natsu Dragneel . . . " Luce said with her all famous glare. "I will never talk, think, go on missions, with you ever again AND I won't let you in my house." I flinched. That would really mess things up for Natsu/me. I growled. "Don't care," I bluffed "Once I mark you I can control you." actually I can. I smirked. "If you come with me willingly I won't do anything to anybody." But her of course. 

Rose's P.O.V: No, No, NO, NNNNOOOOOO!!! "I won't let you!!!" Screamed but Lulu held me back. "Please . . . I'll go . . . just don't - . . f-fight." She was on the break of tears. I slowly nodded. 'Natsu' smirked and grabbed her. And to taunt me even more he started making out with her -_- well then. I blushed slightly. 

Lucy's P.O.V: I was blushing big time. I mean THE Natsu Dragneel is kissing me!!!! Oh my god!!!! I sound like a freaking fan girl!!!!! But why!!!

Because I can read your mi-ind

woah, woah,woah, who was THAT

Ba~ka~ it's the best kisser eva~

Sounded like natsu . . . but It was totally out of character. Oh well, a natsu is a natsu. . . . WAIT NO IT'S NOT!!!!! GRRRRRRR!!! THIS 'natsu' is getting on my nerves.


HellooooOOoooOooooOoooooOOOOOoooOOOO GEMS!!!! How have you been~~~~ I know it's been awhile but I like to read too ya' know. 1.6 k reads is pretty awesome thou. Bye-Bye 4 now 


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