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Author's POV.

Hello 👋 lovelies
Hope y'all doing great....💕

As an author I can't help but feel that my book is lacking the spark and excitement that I had hoped for. Despite my best efforts, I find myself struggling to find the motivation to continue writing. It's disheartening to think that my story may not captivate readers as I had envisioned.

In the midst of my own hardships I find myself questioning the value of my story. Will my readers find it relatable and engaging or will it be dismissed as just another mundane tale?😭

The thought of giving up on my book is a constant weight on my mind. I pour all of my energy and creativity into each chapter but still something feels missing. It's difficult to push through when I'm questioning whether my story is truly worth telling....💔

I constantly question whether my story is worth telling. I pour my heart and soul into each word but I can't shake the feeling that it's not enough.

Dear readers👋❣️ I need your honest opinions - is my story really that interesting? I'm on the verge of giving up and I need your advice to keep going....

It's a vulnerable feeling putting my work out into the world and not knowing if it will be well-received. Dear readers I need your honest feedback - is my story worth telling? Your advice means everything to me💕🤕

Dear readers I need your help - should I continue writing or is it time to throw in the towel?

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