Chapter Five

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It was dark in this old house and all I could hear were footsteps. I had woken up in a cell of some kind, not sure how I had gotten here. As the footsteps came closer I shrunk back towards the back of my cell, my veins freezing with fear. 

Just as I was hoping that whoever was walking by wasn't here for me the door to my cell opened up and I could see a very good looking face peering in at me. 

"Come on, it's time to go." The voice demanded of me, he wasn't any of the men I'd seen in my dreams before. Who was he?

"Go where?" I heard myself ask all before this man grabbed my arm and pulled me from the room. Shutting the door behind him, he kept my arm in his as he practically dragged me through the halls until we reached a door. 

He opened the door before throwing me inside and locking the door behind me. I couldn't see anything in the dark room, the moonlight from the window illuminated very little. I stood there terrified and shaking, as I wrapped my arms around myself to calm myself down. 

That's when I heard it, the footsteps coming near me. Was someone in here with me? I turned towards the sound to see two blood red eyes glowing in the dark as they stared at me. I didn't know who they belonged to, but I didn't want to find out. 

I ran over to the door, trying in vain to get it open but it was no use. The door had been locked from the outside, and there was no way of unlocking it from in here. 

The footsteps got closer and I turned towards them in a panic as I could now see those eyes still watching me, but they were closer this time. 

"What do you want from me?" I asked the person as I had begun to cry due to how badly I was terrified. I was shaking like a leaf in the wind as I kept my back to the door, hoping that at any second someone would open it and take me away from this place. 

The next thing I heard was the footsteps getting closer and I looked over to see the red eyes right beside me. I screamed and cried some more at how close the being was to me. "I want you, your soul, your blood, your body, everything that is you will be mine." The voice said and I cried some more as I tried to back away towards the door some more, but I already had the door right behind me. 

"You would have been mine, but you just had to go and fall in love with them didn't you?" The male voice said in a very angry tone and I just sobbed at his words. Fall in love with who? 

"But don't worry, soon you'll be all mine." I heard the voice say right before I watched the eyes lunge and I felt an incredible pain as the man bit into my neck, sucking out my blood as he did. I screamed and cried due to the pain, trying to get away but it was no use. The man was so much stronger than me. 

Next second I was being woken up by someone nudging me and I sat up to see six men from my dreams standing around me. My face was hot and wet and I reached up to wipe it all away. Had I been crying? 

"We're sorry to wake you but you were screaming in your sleep. We didn't know what else to do besides wake you up." Namjoon said as he sat down in the chair behind his desk. 

"It's probably a good thing you guys did. I don't know how much more of that dream I could have endured." I said shivering a bit as I hugged myself tightly. 

"It wasn't about any of us was it?" Hoseok asked and I shook my head as I looked down at the floor. 

"Since the night of my attack I've been having these weird dreams." I said in an exhausted tone as I brought my knees into my chest. 

"Weirder than seeing us all in your dreams before you even knew us?" The flirty one said and I looked up at him. 

"I still don't even know you guys, but yes weirder than them." I said before looking back down before remembering the entirety of my dream. I shivered a bit as the details came back to me. 

"Do you want to talk about these dreams?" One of them asked me and I shook my head softly. I didn't want to relive those cruel moments. 

"I'd rather not. What time is it anyway?" I asked them as I started searching for my phone on the couch. 

"It's about five thirty in the morning, we were just closing up when we heard your screams." The other bartender guy said and I froze. 

"Five in the morning? Why didn't you guys wake me up sooner? Shit my mother is going to kill me." I said as I stood up and began looking some more for my phone, finding that it had been underneath me the entire time. 

I turned on the screen to see multiple miscalls from both my mother and father, including a voicemail. I'd have to listen to that later. 

"When I came back in here and saw you sleeping you weren't screaming so I left you be. Kook said you had looked tired earlier so I thought you could use your sleep." The angelic guy had said as I turned around to face them. 

"Who?" I asked before I stopped myself, and I immediately realized how dumb I was. Only one of them had gotten very close to me tonight and that would be the flirty bartender. I shot him a look and he tipped his head in acknowledgment. So I at least knew more of their names now. 

"Well I thank you guys for waking me up, I'll just change back into my shirt and get out of your guys' way." I told them as I looked around for my shirt, but couldn't find it anywhere. It should be dry now, I would think at least. "Where's my shirt?" I asked them as my cheeks warmed a bit at my embarrassment for not realizing sooner. 

"It's in the dryer, I'll go get it." The other bartender said as he left through the door and I just sat back down on the couch. 

The guys all looked down at me as I just waited for my shirt so I could change. 

"You seem calmer around us this time." Namjoon said and I just nodded my head softly. I'm not sure I should explain the fact that someone who looked just like me told me that they wouldn't harm me in my dreams. I think that might just be the thing that would make them think I was crazy. 

"I came to realize you guys weren't the bad guys, as much as my dreams might have been trying to make you all out to be." I said in a small tone right before the door opened back up and in walked the other bartender with my crop-top in hand. 

"Your shirt is all dry now." He told me as he handed it to me and I thanked him, before looking around at all the others. 

"I'll go change in the bathroom and then be back with the hoodie." I told them and none of them said anything in response so I just left. 

I stepped out of the office and made my way to the bathroom. Once inside I slipped off the hoodie, and slipped on the white crop top. The bruise on my wrist had gotten worse from Kai's grip earlier. 

I grabbed the hoodie in my hands as I walked out of the bathroom, it was weird to see the club empty like this, normally it was full of people. I made my way back upstairs into the office and set the hoodie back down on the coffee table. 

"Thank you guys again for the hoodie and for what happened with Kai. I shall call myself a cab and stop bothering you all for the night." I said as I went to leave once again but I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. It sent a jolt through my body, causing me to gasp. I looked up to see Namjoon looking down at me with his hand on my shoulder.

His lips were pressed into a hard line before he took his hand off my shoulder. "I didn't mean to startle you if I did, just wanted to offer that one of us could give you a ride home if you want." He told me and I took a deep breath to steady myself. 

"Sure, that would be fine. One of you already know where I live anyways." I said as I sent Hoseok a look. 

"Perfect, I'll take you home myself then." Hoseok said and I nodded in agreement. I just wanted to go home and sleep, it had been a long day. 

"Thank you guys again and I'm sorry for causing you all any trouble if I did." I told them once again before Hoseok and I both walked out this time together. 

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