Chapter Thirty Six

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The next day Jin, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, and I all piled into one of their cars as we made our way to the doctor's office that was going to be checking out my throat. I road in the back as Jin drove, my eyes watching the buildings as we passed them. 

We didn't drive for long before we were pulling into the doctor's office and I got out with the rest of them. I made my way inside with the rest of them following behind me, the reception area was lit pretty brightly which contrasted the fact of how dark it was outside. The clouds were hanging over the city, making it dark without the sun. It hadn't rained yet, but it was going to before the day was over. 

I made my way up the reception desk as Yoongi went with me. He was here in case we needed to use his mind control ability on anyone since all of them were going to be staying with me this entire time. 

The receptionist opened up the window as she smiled up at me friendly from her seat. Yoongi directed her attention to him. "Checking in for Adeline Ward, she's the lilac haired girl standing beside me. Her neck was hurt by someone and she's here to get it checked out since she hasn't been able to speak or eat solid foods since." Yoongi told her as the lady nodded before typing something into her computer and then she looked back up at us. 

"Alright I'll let the doctor know she's here, and someone should take her back soon. She's been here before so there isn't any paperwork that needs to be filled out." She told us and I went to sit down in one of the chairs. Weirdly enough though, I didn't remember ever having been here before. 

I bounced my leg a bit as soon as I had sat down due to my anxiety, half because of the fact that I couldn't remember coming here before and the other half because I had an irrational fear of doctors. Always had since I was a child, I remember them wanting to do a lot of tests on me at a young age which my parents hadn't let them but I could never forget about that. 

Jimin placed a reassuring hand on the thigh of the leg I had been bouncing and I looked over to him to see him looking at me. "Calm down Love, everything is going to be fine. You're just here to check on your throat, nothing bad is going to happen." He told me and I nodded softly, as a strange feeling of calm washed over me. It must have been his ability working it's magic on me. 

As we waited soon came out a nurse from a door down the hall. "Adeline Ward." She called and I got up before watching Yoongi go up and talk to her in a hushed tone. She immediately nodded and smiled at me. 

She took me back to the exam room as the others all followed behind me and soon I was sitting on an exam table. She took my vitals before telling me the doctor would be in soon, and then I was back to waiting.

I thought over the events of the past week since everything had happened. I still couldn't fully believe it all had happened, and still Tara hadn't shown back up in my dreams yet. 

There was a light knock on the door and in walked a male doctor, looking to be in his early to mid forties maybe. He worse glasses and had dark brown hair, and blue eyes. 

"I see we have a full room today, the nurse told me you were having problems with your throat. Would you care to fill me in on what happened exactly?" The doctor asked as Hoseok stepped up from along the wall. 

"She got attacked and someone was choking her while we were in Romania. We took her to the hospital and they said there was quite a bit of damage done to her throat. I believe their files should have been faxed to you guys as well so you know what you would be dealing with. She's been eating soft foods and liquids ever since, and hasn't talked since then. Before when she tried she couldn't." Hoseok told the doctor as he filled him in and the doctor nodded a bit before stepping up to me. 

"I saw her files, and it did seem like a lot of damage had been done. Now this all happened about a little over a week ago?" The doctor asked as he started to press on areas on my neck, causing me to be in more pain than usual as I tried to pull away and he kept me there to continue his exam. 

"Yes, it happened about a little over a week ago." Hoseok told him and the doctor finally released me as he went and got a little light thing plus one of those popsicle stick things. 

"Open your mouth for me, I need to examine any internal damage their might have been." The doctor told me and I opened my mouth, feeling him press down on my tongue as he shined his light into my mouth. He looked for a bit before stepping back, and I moved away. I didn't like this doctor for some reason that I wasn't sure of. 

"And you said she hasn't been able to talk since?" The doctor asked Hoseok as he nodded in response. 

"Adeline, can you try speaking for us? I know it will probably hurt, but it will let me know where you are at in the healing process." The doctor told me as I nodded my head softly. 

"H-hi...." I said but it was really weak and brought tears to my eyes. My throat felt like I had just swallowed glass. 

"You did well. I'd say her throat still has a while to heal yet. I'll schedule another follow up for a couple of weeks and we'll go from there. I would think that in a month or two she should be able to speak again." The doctor told all of us and the others nodded as I just wiped away the tears from my eyes before they could fall. "You all can see the receptionist on the way out and she'll book you an appointment. It was lovely to see you again Adeline, I hope you feel better soon." The doctor said before he stepped out of the room, leaving the exam door wide open this time for us. 

What the fuck? I had never ever seen this man before in my life. What the fuck was going on here? I looked over at Hoseok and he just had an angry look on his face as he was looking towards the door that the doctor had just left through. 

"Let's go, Yoongi once we leave call another specialist. We aren't bringing her back here." Hoseok told us as I hopped down off the exam table and made my way out and walked out of the room. 

We didn't even make a new appointment, we just walked out of the building altogether. Yoongi was on the phone with another doctor's office the entire ride home. By the time I was home I was still as confused as I had been originally and none of them had said anything on the way home about it. 

I went straight to my room, locking myself in before throwing myself down on the bed before kicking off my shoes and curling up under my fuzzy blanket. It was warm and safe underneath of it. 

I know I didn't imagine the loud sound as one of them twisted the door knob even though it was locked and broke it. I heard someone step into my room before feeling someone place their hand on my head under the blanket. I don't know why, but I started to cry and whoever it was didn't say anything as they just took me into their arms and held me. 

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