Chapter Thirty Five

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After about three days I was eating soft foods and Namjoon had booked the plane ride home. I was glad to be going back home finally, and I had even slept the entire way home. Namjoon had carried me off the plane and I hadn't woken up until we were home. Which had only been for about five minutes before I had fallen back to sleep on the couch. 

The next time I had woken up it was because Jin was nudging me awake for breakfast, and I could hear Yoongi on the phone with someone. I let Jin lead me into the kitchen as I was still out of it a bit, he set a cup of yogurt in front of me and then a  fruit cup. I had eaten the fruit cup first, before eating the yogurt. By the time I was done Yoongi was walking in to the kitchen. 

"She has an appointment tomorrow morning to see the doctor about her throat." Yoongi told Jin as he sat beside me and Jin thanked him. He must have used his ability to get them to schedule the appointment over the phone. Sadly I hadn't brought my notepad in here or else I would be able to thank him myself. 

I tapped his hand softly and he opened it before I traced the letters for 'thank you' in his hand. He just kissed the top of my head softly before taking his phone back out. I looked over to see him unlock his phone and there as his home screen sat the picture I had drawn of him from what felt like forever ago. 

My cheeks heated up slightly as I realized he had liked it so much he legit was using it as his home screen. I shook my head as I got up and threw out the packaging from my food and made my way back out into the living room. I made my way upstairs and took a shower, hoping to wash the jetlag out of my body. If only it worked that way. 

I hopped out and wrapped a towel around me as I stepped out into my room. Getting changed into fresh clothes before going back into my bathroom to get a hair clip to put my hair up for now. I couldn't help it as I moved my choker away from my neck to look at the red, blue, and purple mark that was fading thankfully. 

"Do those hurt still?" Jungkook asked me and I just shook my head a bit as I could see him now standing behind me in the mirror. They did still hurt a bit, but not enough to warrant needing his ability. He still grabbed my hand softly, and away went my pain. 

He used his other hand to fix my choker as I just looked up at him the entire time. He looked back down at me, as he let his hand linger on my neck for a bit. I don't know what came over me, but I reached up on tippy toes, pressing my lips against his as he just caressed my face and kissed me back. 

His lips were soft on mine, and he reached behind me before taking the clip out of my hair, letting my wet hair fall down past my shoulders. I gasped softly as he bit my lip, I allowed him access before his tongue was claiming dominance over mine. I wrapped my arms around his waist, as he just kept hold of me and moving his tongue against mine. 

As we pulled apart minutes later for air he smiled down at me as he caressed my face again. "If I had known that would happen every time I took away the littlest bit of pain you had I would have been taking away your pain all day every day." He told me as my cheeks heated up as I looked away from him. He would have loved that, I know he would have. 

He moved my chin so that I was looking back up at him. He placed another kiss on my lips before pulling away. "So what would you like to do today? We have the whole day." He told me as he brought me back into my room as I sat down on my bed. My notepad and pen already waiting for me on my bed as I flipped to a new page and wrote a question on the paper before handing it back to him. 

'When are you guys going back to working at the club?' I had wrote and he looked back at me before answering. "Probably in a few days, but you won't have to come with us. Zane isn't going to be coming after you anytime soon." He told me in a reassuring tone as I took back my notepad before writing something else. 

'My house arrest?' I wrote before handing him the notepad and he shook his head. "You're no longer under house arrest, but you aren't allowed to go anywhere alone still." He told me and I smiled a bit as I thought of the fact that I could actually go for a walk. 

I took the notepad back before writing one word this time and handing it back to him. 'walk?' I had written and he nodded his head at me, before going to go and get ready. I was already dressed for the day so I just slipped my shoes on before slipping my notepad and pen in my back pocket. I hadn't gone for a walk in so long. 

I also grabbed my sketchbook and my drawing pencils. I would find inspiration to draw something. I had honestly gotten pretty depressed after losing the ability to talk, something I used everyday I couldn't use anymore. If it hadn't been for Hoseok's ability half the time I wouldn't have been able to communicate. I hadn't drawn the entire time we had been gone either even though I had taken at least two sketchbooks and pencils with me so I was definitely due for some quality drawing time. 

As I stepped out of my room though I was a bit surprised to find all seven of the men waiting down in the living room, they were all dressed and ready to go outside. 

I sent Hoseok a knowing look and he just smiled at me. "We heard someone suggested going for a walk, and since it's a beautiful day we thought we'd all go for a walk." He told me as I just shook my head, but I didn't protest. I just pressed the button on the elevator and waited for it to come up to our floor. 

I stepped in before they all followed behind me closely and one of them slid their keycard into the elevator to get it to start moving. They still hadn't given me one, guess it was another way they would make it so that I couldn't leave without at least one of them which I didn't mind. I didn't like going anywhere alone most of the time, especially since Zane still hadn't been caught. 

The elevator came to a stop at the bottom floor as we stepped out into the building rather than the building's indoor parking lot. As we walked out the wind blew softly, making my hair move around my face. I smiled softly as I started walking towards the park I knew about that was nearby, and they all walked with me. 

I smiled as we got there, as I sat down in the small field of grass as I laid down and let my skin soak up the sun's rays. It was such a beautiful day outside. I don't know how long I stayed there just laying in the grass, but when I sat up the others had all sat around me. 

"She's thinking that the fresh air is nice, so are the sun's rays against her skin." Hoseok told the others as I just grabbed my sketchbook and pencils, looking around for something to draw. 

I scanned the park around us, but I didn't see anything that spoke to me. I sighed softly as I set my sketchbook and pencils down before leaning back on my hands. If I couldn't draw I was still going to enjoy the beautiful day. 

"It's supposed to rain a lot this week so I guess today will be the calm before that storm." Namjoon said and I just shook my head, the rain was more beautiful than the sun. I could stare into a downpour for hours without getting bored, not to mention it was so calming that I fell asleep with no problems. 

At the thought of the rain I opened my sketchbook before taking my pencils out of their case and starting to sketch what I was thinking in my head. It was a street as it rained. I lost myself in the drawing process for a while, letting myself just enjoy one of the few things I loved in life. 

As I finished drawing the picture I had looked back up and realized that it bad begun to get dark outside, I had been drawing all day. All seven of the men still sitting around me, just watching me as I smiled back at them before getting up. I dusted the grass off my jeans as I bent and picked up my pencils.

I quickly flipped the page and wrote the three words I wanted to say so much in this moment, 'let's go home'. I had written the words big enough that they'd all see them as I flipped the sketchbook back to them, those words meaning more than what they meant to most, and I hoped somehow they knew. 

They all smiled at the words, as Jin just wrapped his arm around my waist as he kissed the top of my head. "Let's go home, Love." He told me and my cheeks heated up immediately at the pet name, they had never called me anything besides my name or nickname for the months I had been living with them. 

Hoseok took my sketchbook and pencils out of my arms as he carried them as we walked back to the penthouse. This had been a perfect day spent with them all, and I couldn't wait for more. 

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