Chapter Sixteen

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It had been a week since the ritual was done and I had gotten used to the choker and stone that were always around my neck now. I can't say that it didn't feel like it was a collar of sorts at times. 

I was sketching currently as I sat on the floor by the steps, I was sketching the view from the living room. I was taking the day off all of my research and college studies. I needed the break and sketching was definitely helping. 

I was adding textures to some of the buildings when I heard footsteps coming my way. I knew I wasn't in anyone's way so I was fine. I kept adding more textures and details to the buildings before I felt someone leaning against my back. 

I looked up to see that there stood Yoongi as he looked down at my drawing. As I looked up at him though he changed his attention to on me

"Aren't you supposed to be studying or researching?" He asked me as he leaned back finally and looked out the window at the city. 

"I'm taking a break, aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" I asked him as he just shrugged. Him and the others that worked at the club until a little after five were always sleeping throughout the day. 

"I'm not feeling like sleeping yet. Thought I'd chill down here for a bit." He told me as he walked a bit before I saw him sit down on the couch out of the corner of my eyes. 

I stared at my drawing before going back to drawing some more textures and then closing my sketchbook. I gave up on drawing for now and found myself joining Yoongi in the living room. I sat on the couch opposite him as he just scrolled around on his phone. 

I turned the tv on and looked for a good show or movie to put on before deciding on Sweeny Todd and getting comfy on the couch. I knew the songs by heart at this point, I had been obsessed with it at a very young age. It was my comfort movie in a way. 

Just as the first song started playing I hummed along softly,  playing with the stone on my choker a bit as I watched Anthony and Sweeny talk about him going to Fleet street. I could feels eyes on me as I just kept watching the movie, humming along as the next song started as Mrs. Lovett was singing about her awful meat pies. 

"You gave up on drawing?" Yoongi asked me as I looked over at him to see that he had put his phone away by now. 

"I finished my drawing for now, I'll probably fully finish it  later." I said with a shrug as I watched Mrs. Lovett start to tell the tale of what happened to Lucy Barker. I still wanted to kill the judge myself, if only he hadn't been played by the same actor as Severus Snape. 

"Can I ask you something?" He asked me and I nodded softly before pausing the tv, to give him my undivided attention. "When you had dreams of all of us, did you ever draw any of us?" He asked me and I nodded, picking up my sketchbook. After flipping through the first few pages it was all pages filled with them. 

I got up off the couch and handed it to him. "I'm guessing you wanted to see, so here you go. Just don't be too critical about my art." I told him as I sat back down on the other couch. 

I watched as he flipped through it with great interest on his face. I had never seen anyone look at my drawings with such interest before. 

"Your drawings are amazing though, they capture us just right." He told me as he looked up at me for a second before looking back down at my drawings. 

"Thank you, although I'm honestly just pretty average." I told him as I shrugged softly and looked back over at the paused movie. One of my first drawings I had ever done had been of Sweeny Todd, holding his razors up with a smile. 

"You're too humble, understand that you have some real talent. Don't dismiss anything that you do as average." He told me as he closed my sketch book and I nodded a bit as I just looked back at the movie. 

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