Part 1 CHAPTER 5: Will he say YES or NO?

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Dionne shared details of her crush with Serene so that she doesn't feel lonely to do it and her friends will be able to help her .
Dionne arrived college , she didn't say anything to Tom right away as she was nervous and flustered around Tom so she asked Serene to talk to him
Dionne: Serene I think you should talk to him if he has girlfriend or not ?
Serene: I will but I don't think it's right for me to do so, you go ahead talk to him
Dionne: but I can't talk to him when other guys are around
Serene: oh I see ! Don't worry about them you do your own work,
Dionne: how??
Serene: go to Tom's place and be confident enough to ask it yourself just like this:"hey handsome! Are you alone? Don't you have any girlfriend??"
Dionne: is it easy ?
Serene: it's easy you can do it !! Just be confident
Dionne: I'll do this after class, it will be ok right?
Serene: ok your wish !
After class
At lunchtime
Dionne: I am still unable to do it I guess
Serene: c'mon you can't loose hope that easily
Dionne: I'm trying but at same time I'm worried
Serene: I told you be confident
Serene pauses a little and then continues
Serene: you have whole day right? And I also told you that today is workshop lecture
You may have chance then
Dionne: I just hope everything goes well
Serene: that will be only possible if you will go and talk to him, I'm pretty sure he will like you back , all the best !!
Dionne: thank you Serene!
At workshop lecture
Lab instructor: Girls will learn about lathe machine and Boys will be doing carpentry and arc welding got it !!
Everyone following instructions
Dionne at workshop lab still approaching Serene
Dionne: Serene can I go now ?
Serene: go where ?
Dionne : Did you forget already?
Serene(looking at Tom) : ohh there! Yes go ahead
Dionne: ok wish me luck
Serene: all the best !
Dionne goes towards Tom but returns back because of two reasons
1. Dionne couldn't even utter a word out of her mouth after seeing Tom
2.Lab instructor was so strict that he never allowed anyone talking or interrupting in between
After workshop lecture college dismissed
Serene: why couldn't you talk to him,?
Dionne: lab instructor was so strict
Serene: ok then you can talk tomorrow,tomorrow is PPS lab right ?you can also sit beside him when you start talking
Dionne: good idea Serene!
Just then Shakira appears
Shakira: what were you guys talking about??
Serene: Dionne do you wanna tell her ?
Dionne: ok I'll tell you but please don't tell anyone
Shakira looking confused still says yes
Dionne: I think I have crush on someone or maybe I'm in love with him
Shakira: wow ! Who's the lucky man ??
Dionne: Tom si von
Shakira: oh him! He's the sweetest guy
Dionne: yeah and cute too!
*At bus*
Celine sits behind Dionne and Shakira
Dionne thinking is it ok to tell Celine too or not
Shakira: Dionne what's on your mind?
Dionne : nothing !
Celine: Is everything ok ?
Dionne: yes everything is ok
Celine: you looked upset
Dionne: I was thinking whether to say it or not
Shakira: say it we're all friends here
Dionne: Celine you wouldn't mind if...
Celine: what??
Dionne tells Celine too about her crush Celine was happy to hear it , even if she and Shakira never had boyfriend they still encouraged Dionne to talk to her crush
Celine: I have an idea !
Shakira : please tell
Celine: Shakira you can ask Tom for chemistry notes
Shakira: and then ask him to meet Dionne alone
Dionne: well you can say it like " my friend likes you "
Celine: we meant that only
Shakira : good plan Celine ! We'll implement this tomorrow

Celine wants Dionne about the outcomes

Celine: Dionne we will help you but you have to talk to him yourself as it's your relationship and also don't expect him to accept you , you may face rejection as well , make sure to keep this in mind and you must be ready to face outcomes as well

Dionne worries a little but still she agrees

Dionne: you are right Celine, relationships doesn't go well always, I must be ready to face outcomes ...
*Next day*
Shakira was absent due to personal reasons
Dionne: what will happen now?
Serene: take your time, you have to be confident remember
Dionne : ok
*At Seminar hall*
Dionne was sitting at last with Serene and Paris , they were doing their own work
The seminar was about entrepreneurship a few special guests were there along with Chairman of college
Everything was going well but something worst happened in seminar hall in front of guests 4 guys were caught watching p*rn
Chairman sir was so mad at them that he started beating them , he even threw one of their phones
Dionne wasn't interested in watching the drama so she just left
At departure time
Serene: I can't believe Sebastian can do it
Celine: oh my !
Dionne: girls let's just mind our own businesses right?
Serene: but Sebastian is our friend
Dionne: ok then
Celine: Serene did he reply
Serene: no! not yet .
Dionne: how would he ? Chairman sir threw his phone from 2nd floor
Serene's phone beeps
Serene: he replied
Celine: what did he say?
Serene: he says he wasn't involved, he was seeing notes on phone
Dionne: how come he reply, chairman sir threw his phone from 2nd floor
Dionne laughs
Dionne: oh god ! He's so shameless even to reply...
Serene: Dionne!! Please he's my friend!
Dionne: oh ! Sorry about that ! ,but it was so funny that he replied even when his phone was thrown from 2nd floor
Serene: it's not funny Dionne! He's in trouble, he needs his friend's support
Celine: you're right Serene!!
Dionne (in mind) : oh god !what happened to these girls, how can they support the one who was caught watching p*rn , I mean he would ofc say it that it wasn't him just to save himself, seriously people these days...

After 2 days
Dionne arrives at college
First lecture was English taught by Miss Reinee professor of humanities department, she's an amazing furry who is always friendly with students, and students like that quality of her
At that time she had no idea about new rule in college. The rule was to wear decent dresses and jeans top was banned
On that day Dionne was wearing top but with pant , still she had to go out and stand there as punishment, not only her but other girls were also standing
Miss Sylvia another English major of humanities department along with Professor David in charge of first year

Miss Sylvia: this is the last time I'm repeating the rules of college
Boys will be wearing formals and girls will wear decent dresses ,no Tops no Jeans
The ones standing out there : yes ma'am
Miss Sylvia further speaks about romantic relationships between two students
Miss Sylvia: whatever you are doing here in the name of your stupid relationship is not ok please I request you people to stop it
She speaks furthermore Dionne couldn't hear it because she felt uncomfortable
After first lecture Dionne enters class
Dionne : hey Sally! can you please send me notes of first lecture ?
Sally : sure
At lunchtime
Alexa another friend of Dionne from civil department talks to her
Alexa : hey! I heard that you got punished
Dionne: you heard right Alexa
Alexa : was the matter serious?
Dionne: nope! they only told the rules of college, girls will wear decent dresses
Alexa: hmmm. I already knew it ! That's why I wore this dress today
Dionne: nice dress Alexa
Just then Serene appears
Serene: hey guys!
Dionne: Alexa this is Serene my friend
Alexa: hello Serene!
Serene: so you guys are enjoying sunlight I guess
Dionne: we were just talking
Serene : all right
At last lecture
Serene went to attend event of toastmasters
So Dionne went to simone's place
Dionne: hey Simone! What are you doing?
Simone: just hanging out with friends
Shaun : hi Dionne
Dionne: hi Shaun
Simone: my phone's battery got low
Dionne: oh now I see why ..
Simone : sorry ?
Dionne: nothing
Shaun: hey Simone did you enjoy getting punished ?
Simone: Shaun it's not funny
Dionne : yeah Shaun. How can you think its funny that someone who didn't do anything has to hear all those harsh words
Simone: but Dionne we are at fault, we both are wearing jeans top
Dionne: I meant the other part of what miss Sylvia said
Simone: oh yeah ! Just leave it she must have lost her mind
Dionne: Simone .. she's our teacher and our elder too , one should respect elders
Shaun : whatever we don't care
Dionne: I know you won't Shaun
Shaun: all right let's talk about something else ....
The day ended with a feeling of shame and disgust inside Dionne's heart ,she couldn't talk to Serene or any of her friends about Tom neither she approached Tom regarding that matter,  Miss Sylvia was right tho but Dionne failed to understand it that day
Dionne didn't do it that day but next coming days she tried to approach Tom again by being confident enough to stand in front of him, she thought she isn't doing anything wrong she is only asking out and only Tom no one else she is being honest in that
But will Tom be fond of her honesty
What will he say Yes or No??

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