Part 2 CHAPTER 2 : The Weekend

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As in earlier chapter we see Dionne's mental and physical health started to get better, she started to feel better now and she decided to take care of herself first, her so called fake friend Serene never even cared about what she did , she (Serene) never said sorry for that as she was busy with other furries she didn't bother how Dionne would have felt
Serene(to male furries): Hey guys
Male furries : Hey Serene!
Dionne enters the classroom ignoring Serene and others ....
Seline: Hi Dionne
Dionne: Hi Seline
Seline: Dionne, did you complete your physics notebook?
Tess: I'm sure she would have completed it right Dionne?
Dionne: Tess is right Seline! I did complete it
Vanessa: Wow ! you are so fast these days
Valentina: Just like a bullet fired from gun
Dionne: Valentina, did you study projectile this early?
Valentina: nope! just giving an example
Dionne: ok fine
Sir Peter enters the classroom as it's his lecture
Dr Peter: Good morning class
Everyone: Good morning sir
Dr Peter: before I start the lecture I want to know if you guys have completed your copy or not .. so tell me how many of you are left ?
Some furries get tensed including Serene's friends
Tammie: Sir only half portion is left..
Dr Peter: then complete it right now
Tammie: what if I couldn't?
Dr Peter: then you will be punished
Tammie: sir please! just for today
Dr Peter: no
Tammie: alright
Sir Peter then asks Shirel and his friends Shaun and Santino
Dr Peter (to Shirel and his friends): what about you guys? did you complete your work?
Shirel (shamelessly): no sir
Dr Peter: why so ?
Santino : Went on weekend to celebrate it
Dionne tries to control her laughter
Dionne (in mind): did he say he went on weekend to take a bath in pool or what ? With friends?? And then he goes to have lunch at nearby restaurant and then to club, drink and dance till 2:00 am and then go home and sleep.... how will they complete their work ... no time
Dr Peter: so he went on weekend to celebrate it huh ??
Santino: yes sir !
Dr Peter: tell me when will you complete it ?
Santino: sir maybe Thursday
Dr Peter: why Thursday?
Santino: sir because I am not feeling well
Dr Peter: really?
Shaun: sir he ate so many popsicles that's why
Dr Peter(to Shaun): and how did you know that? were you with him when he was celebrating his weekend?
Shaun: I talked to him on phone
Everyone laughing, Dionne laughs more
Vinnie: Sir only a few is left
Dr Peter: ok good... (to Shirel and his friends) you idiots should learn from her couldn't complete a damn thing..shame on you
After Physics period Dionne goes to washroom laughingly
Shaun : what happened to her ?
Shirel: no idea

At lunchtime
Arakon: hey there Nemo!
Nemo : What's up bro !
Santino: Do you know what happened today?
Nemo: what?
Santino: Sir Peter scolded us for not competing the copy
Arakon: that D***ward doesn't know how to teach
Dionne: Hahahaha! Seriously??
Nemo( after looking at Dionne ): Hey Arakon ! Look she's laughing
Arakon: so what's new
Santino : she's looking at you Arakon
Arakon: I don't think so
Shaun: Nemo's right Arakon
Dionne goes outside the classroom still laughing
Tammie : Look Kristopher! Dionne is laughing at you
Kristopher: I don't care
Dionne: I didn't
After sometime
Alexa: Hey Dionne why are you laughing?
Dionne: Did you know what happened today in physics class?
Alexa: no what happened btw ?
Dionne: Sir Peter... scolded Arakon and his friends for not competing the copy
Alexa: really ?
Dionne: Yes ! and Santino said he went on weekend to celebrate it , I imagined how they did ... hahahaha
Alexa: I didn't get some parts
Dionne: Sir asked Santino whether his work is complete or not he gave such a silly reason for that , he went on weekend to celebrate it hahahaha..
Alexa: and his friends?
Dionne: Santino went there along with his friends
Alexa: ok now I got it , well to be honest Sir Peter is always like this, he is our class incharge btw
Dionne: I didn't know it
Alexa: he can't teach well
Dionne: So Arakon was right about sir
Alexa: what did he say?
Dionne: he used the bad word and said Sir Peter doesn't know how to teach just now
Alexa: double comedy ?? That's good
Dionne: Alexa I guess I need to leave bye!
Alexa: Ok bye !
Later on During maths lecture also Dionne couldn't control her laughter
After maths lecture
Arakon: Sapphire! give me a pen
Sapphire sees Dionne laughing continuously
Sapphire (to Dionne): Dionne, why are laughing at Arakon?
Dionne: oh no Sapphire , It's nothing
Sapphire: No way there's something... c'mon tell us
Dionne: alright
Shaun(pointing to Arakon): you're laughing at him right?
Dionne: well... Sir Peter scolded Santino as he went to celebrate the weekend
Sapphire: Is that the reason ?
Dionne: no girl , in recess Arakon...
Sapphire: Arakon what?
Dionne: Arakon..... ask him please I can't control laughing
Sapphire: you can try at least
Dionne: Sorry Sapphire I can't help with it
Sapphire: What did you say Arakon?
Arakon: I only called him D***kward , he can't teach well
Dionne: HAHAHAHA.....
Simone: control Dionne control
Alana: Dionne what if we tell your relative sir Victor?
Dionne: yes please Alana, btw he already knows it
Sapphire: Really?
Dionne: yes
Simone: how ?
Dionne(lieing): in recess I was laughing with my friend and sir Victor asked why I laughed, I told him that his dear friend sir Peter got insulted by my classmate for not teaching
Alana: Ohh God! Really??
Dionne: Yes
Arakon: And you even told him that it was me right?
Dionne: Don't worry Arakon, I didn't reveal your name
Arakon: phew !
Dionne: Sir Peter isn't my relative or anything, and I don't care whatever you said about him but please respect teachers
Arakon: Dionne ,don't tell me what to do
Dionne: Alright and one thing, don't you dare insult my relative sir Victor, and if you did , I will make sure that you bleed till your last breath
Arakon: Haha! You think you can Ms Deer ?? c'mon stop joking
Dionne: Arakon I'm not joking
Arakon: you're a Deer not a Tigress or something , you don't have those sharp claws that a tiger has
Shaun: good joke Dionne, Shirel did you hear that
Shirel: please let me sleep %$%$#
Dionne: I don't have claws but I have these legs
Arakon: teeny tiny ones
Dionne: don't challenge me Arakon, I can show you what these teeny tiny legs can do
Sapphire(interrupting in between) : guys please, Dionne they won't do it we were just kidding
Dionne: ok Sapphire tell him to  behave

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