"Chapter 6"

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*Gura's Point-Of-View*

Currently... I am sweating heavily... wiping some sweat from my forehead... this is a very dangerous thing...

"Slowly Gura..."

Kiara behind me, her arms slightly shaking and having a nervous face.

"I don't wanna do this again so be careful...!"

Calli said in a slightly louder whisper and a nervous look as well... my right hand, coming closer and closer...

"Just a little bit more and it's gonna be alright..."

Ame stated as she nervously covered her face with her hands but peaking in between her fingers.

"Yep... now I just have to push this slow and steady... be sure to not let this fall..."

We are... currently playing... the most sweatiest game...

"Almost there..." Right now I sounded a bit out of breathe...

I am so close, halfway through and this will be a great achievement... but I have to do this without making it fall...

So close now... I just have to slowly push it out and it will be-

"The pizza is here-"


I accidentally push my finger through in sudden surprise! I watch as the jenga pieces fall... we have been playing this for 40 to 50 minutes now... and all of the hardwork just had to get destroyed like that!!!


"Why... are we here... just... to suffer..."

Falling down to her knees.


Calli, Ame, Kiara consecutively yelled in anger and frustration...

Dropping to my knees, my whole body down sulking as I ponder with how unfair life is.

"This was the 8th game... and we still lost..."

I glanced towards Sukihara, glaring with my eyes could be said to be looking colored red, I could also feel the other's eyes on him, same as how I am looking at him...

*Sukihara's Point-Of-View*

(I... did I do something to have-?)

Glancing behind Gawr-san I just learned that that's her last name... I put the stack of 4 pizza's on the table where the broken wooden blocks are splattered around.


I look at the eyes of the girls... they look like hostile... deadly even but... it can't be that scary... knowing how their face is weirdly not fit to be angry...

"Yes...? Did I... do something that could have offended you and the others?"

I stated which I already know...

"Haaa... no use in getting pissed off... but maybe one punch wouldn't hurt?"

Gawr-san said... which I doubt her smile for being a cover for something more dangerous...

I stood silent on the side... Watson-san stood up and jumped on the couch.

Takanashi-san lies back and sat on the couch while Calliope-san is grabbing the wooden blocks... aren't those for kids...

"Come over here Suki! Don't be scared! I won't bite! Well... that depends on what I should bite..."

I notice her aura... hiding some secret intention which I prefer to not know...

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