Chapter 2: I Am Thomas

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 Thomas' breathing was shallow, sweaty palms clinging to the thin material of his dress slacks. His forehead was beaded with perspiration, mouth as dry as the Sahara Desert. Darkness blinded him from the bloody massacre that was happening just in front of him, the screams deafening him.

 He couldn't make out the voices anymore, they all just blurred together into a chorus of chaos. He couldn't tell if his family was with him, nearby, or even alive since he had been standing on the stage, all alone, for almost five minutes. He didn't know when or how Natalie and Maggie escaped, but he knew they were gone because he didn't hear them.

 He wanted to move, to run, to scream, but he couldn't find the connection between his brain and his feet. He was frozen, absolutely frozen, and he had no idea how to break free. He wanted to cry out for his family, his friends, or anyone nearby, but he was too afraid to open his mouth. He might draw the Lydirians to him.

 "Coward." He thought. "How're you supposed to be their hero when you won't even fight for them!"

 Tears began to pour down his cheeks. Everyone was dead...they were dying and he couldn't do a single thing. He wouldn't.

 "Thomas! Tom, c'mon!"

 Thomas jumped at the new whisper in his ear that was followed by a harsh tug on his arm. He recognized the voice, but still fought against his hold. What if voice manipulation was a newfound power the Lydirians had been given?

 "Tom, please! Gabe and your sisters are waiting for you! Come on!" Taylor, Gabriel's fourteen-year-old brother, begged him this time. The desperation was clear in his voice. He was just like him, he had no idea what happened to his family, except for Gabriel.

 Thomas found some control over his body as he looked over at Taylor, or where he supposed he was. Taylor had telescopic vision, meaning right now, he could see clearly in the dark which is how he was able to find him without speaking.

 Taylor pulled on his arm again and, this time, Thomas complied. Not knowing what was in front of him, he allowed Taylor to safely maneuver his way through the crowd to the safe place where their siblings were waiting for them.

 With his available hand, Thomas blocked the close-range shrieks, pleas, and growls. He could hear people, innocent people, begging for mercy, for an end to the agony that was happening to them or their loved ones. People he used to walk by every day before or after school or people he would meet when he walked around the Square to pick up things for his mother.

 Classmates...children younger than him...

 "Thomas! Thomas, run!"

 Thomas perked at the sound of his father's voice and skidded to a stop. Taylor stumbled back and ran into Thomas, knocking him over in the process.

 "Dad! Daddy!" Thomas screamed after him, running in the direction of his voice. He could hear splashes under his feet and he nearly tripped over still bodies. At the moment, he didn't care what was in his way just as long as he found his father.

 Taylor was quick to his side though and wrapped his lean, long arms around his belly, dragging him away from the chaos. Thomas still called after his father as the screaming grew louder, a low, masculine voice ringing above the others. Lance didn't reply to his son's desperate calls.

 Thomas fought against Taylor's surprisingly strong hold and continued to call for his father, a new wave of tears blurring his already-dark vision.

 Eventually, Taylor screamed in horror and hopped to his feet. Thomas didn't know what he had seen, but it must have been horrible. Taylor sprinted with all his might, struggling to carry the screaming boy.

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