Chapter 5: Secrets

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 Thomas ran the rest of the way to the Forces headquarters, not stopping to talk to those that called out his name on the way. Faces of confusion watched him as he sped by and he would have smiled if his current task wasn't so important.

 It was early in the morning now and people were getting up and starting the day. Victoria would be in the Center handing out supplies that Justin had prepared and informing others of the goals for today. To everyone else, it was just a normal, miserable day to live in fear.

 Yet, for the first time in nine years, Thomas felt hope. He had a purpose again and his family would be restored. Nicholas would have his son back and they could live in peace again. This was their chance. It had to be.

 He knew the perfect person to employ on such a task, too. If there was anybody in their rundown home that needed hope it was him.

 Gabriel, completely ignoring Nicholas' suggestions, would be with the Forces training some of the younger agents. For the past two years now, Gabriel was in charge of how the future soldiers would be trained. It was the perfect position for him. The unstoppable force bringing up new forces.

 He practically lived there, too. Thomas would be lying if he said he wasn't concerned for his dear friend. Like Amara, Gabriel devoted his life and time to the Forces and all things fighting and training. He was known to be quite the "ladies' man" when he was younger, but he seemed to change drastically after his fifteenth birthday. Then again, he knew what happened to him on that fateful day.

 Interrupting himself, Thomas burst through the front door of the Forces headquarters and found Carter Tindall, Gabriel's star pupil, rolling the punching dummies into position across the main floor.

 Carter was the only one in the main room when he came bursting through, panting after such an exhilarating sprint.

 Carter peeked over the mannequin's shoulder and cocked a brow. "Gabe here?" Thomas asked out of breath.

 Carter pointed towards a door on the south wall. "Back room, " he answered hesitantly. "But he said he doesn't wanna talk to anyone...especially you, man."

 Thomas gulped back the hurt and walked closer to him. "It's important. Trust me, he'll want to hear it."

 Carter rested his chin on the dummy's shoulder as he thought it over. He wasn't close to Gabriel like Thomas was, but he did have a lot of respect for him and always tried to honor his wishes. Thomas was the Guardian, though. He didn't want to get in trouble with the Counsel for stopping the Guardian.

 He sighed. "Fine, fine. Go ahead," he paused as Thomas jogged towards the door, smoothing his wild hair, "just...don't tell him I let you back there, please?"

 Thomas didn't answer as he barreled through the door and slammed it shut.

 Gabriel was leaning against one of the desks the students used in between training to look at a bulletin board in front of him. It mostly informed everyone of events happening within their facility, but there was one thing that was different.

 He didn't even look over when Thomas violently entered the room but stared intensely at the board.

 "Did you know I was coming?" Thomas asked, approaching him ever so slowly.

 Gabriel didn't break his concentration when he lifted a finger to his right ear and tapped it twice. "Enhanced senses, remember?" He said grimly, the dim light seeping through the broken window highlighting his chiseled features.

 Thomas chuckled humorlessly and scratched the back of his neck. "Oh...yeah, I, uh, forget about it sometimes. Which is weird considering how many times it-"

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