Chapter 4: The Journey Begins

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 Aiden's annoyance increased with every passing hour. He led the way, trekking along the outskirts of towns, hoping to be mistaken for a couple of hikers or hunters as they dressed in the appropriate clothing for both. It was just the two of them, as it has always been, and they were on a mission.

 Sweat trickled down his temple as he lugged both his hiking backpack -filled to the brim with as much stuff as he had been able to jam in there- and his companion's backpack and bags. Sure, he had offered to carry some of the weight, but he hadn't expected to be carrying all of it.

 His companion, Amanda, hummed dreamily behind him, her fingertips dancing along the edge of tree limbs and tall grass. She looked like she was the princess in a fairytale world all of her own, blissfully ignoring the chaos that followed them.

 Aiden resisted the urge to look back behind him, for he knew if he did he would surely say something he regretted. As much as Amanda got on his nerves, he never wanted to hurt her. In his world, she was the only person he had left.

 Yet, the constant humming of the same song was almost enough to risk losing her.

 "Mandy! Pick a new song or stop altogether." Aiden grumpily complained under his breath, not even glancing back at her.

 Amanda's song was cut off and she just giggled. "You didn't like me singing and now you don't like me humming. Is there anything I could do that would ever please you?"

 "Just hum something else...please?" He added forcefully, as though saying one nice thing would literally hurt him.

 Amanda sighed and just decided on keeping quiet. She knew him too well; he would just grow angry with her again in another hour.

 "How about a game? To pass the time?" Amanda suggested after a short silence, struggling to match his long-legged stride.

 Aiden cocked a brow and looked over at her mockingly. "What? Like, eye spy?"

 "Yes!" Amanda visibly perked at the idea.

 "I was kidding."

 "Doesn't matter. You go first."

 "I'm not playing that dumb game," Aiden stated, shoulders straight and tense, his tone clearly meant to display a warning. Amanda stepped out and walked in front of him, big, matching blue eyes expertly playing with his emotions. He sighed defeatedly. "Fine. Eye spy"

 Amanda stopped abruptly, Aiden almost running into her. "C'mon, A! Don't play like that!"

 "Spot something green or I'm quitting!" Aiden eventually hollered, startling her.

 Amanda glowered, which was a rarity, and fell back behind him. "I don't want to play anymore."

 It was Aiden's turn to stop in his tracks as he turned around and guiltily faced Amanda. "Mandy, c'mon, I'm sorry. Just play the game, okay? If it's what you want, I'll do it. You know I'd do anything for you."

 Amanda squatted where she stood beside a dying patch of grass, gingerly caressing her small fingers just over the top of it. As her nimble fingers brushed along the hay-like blades of grass, they began to grow both in stature and color. They shined a healthy green and stood tall and proud. Amanda smiled lovingly down at her resurrection.

 Aiden, on the other hand, slapped her hand away from the earth and picked her up by her shoulders. "Amanda, what if someone saw you? You know we're not allowed to do that." He scolded, still gripping onto her thin shoulders.

 Amanda rolled her eyes. "We're the only people out here, Aiden. Besides, it was dying. Why would I leave something to die when I could help it?"

 His jaw clenched and, desperately trying to restrain himself, he carefully grabbed the sides of her face. Long, tan fingers framed her jawline as he stared directly into her eyes. "It's grass, Mandy. There's nothing special about dead grass. We have no time for you to heal every little wilting weed you see along the way!"

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