Coming Soon

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After two years of mixing drinks at a local bar and serving caramel macchiatos to the stereotypical, female teenager to help pay for college tuition, Esme manages to quit both jobs after receiving a handsome check--one that would solve her financial burdens--from an overly generous customer that so happens to have the same name as the Governor's wife and councilwoman. But, there is a catch. If Esme takes the money, she must also take the job that follows.

Of course, she does and it's strange and new and exciting, but there's always trouble in Paradise, especially when the Governor's wife is involved.

Scandal is your modern home-wrecker novel with a twist.
(New Adult)

Cast List:
Esme Holland- Annalynne McCord
Mallory Morgan- Angelina Jolie
Aurora Martinez- Meghan Ory
Etan Holland- Thomas Holland
Kalob Hoffman- Alex Pettyfer
Ted Morgan- Hugh Jackman

•Hurricane- Halsey
•Hypnotic- Zella Day
•Cheap Thrills- Sia
•My Song 5- HAIM
•Colors- Halsey
•Poison & Wine- The Civil Wars
•My House- PVRIS
•Skinny Love- Birdy
•Say You Love Me- Jessie Ware
•Dark Paradise- Lana Del Rey

I looked down at the slip of paper in my hand, taking in the neat signature that anyone would mistake as being a product of computer calligraphy. The signature belonged to a Mrs. Mallory Morgan, and, being very knowledgable to the world of politics, I shook the thought away that it was the signature of the Mallory Morgan, councilwoman, active leader of feminism, women's rights, and equal pay, democratic representer, and wife to the previous mayor of the town and currently governor, Ted Morgan. There was no way Councilwoman Morgan would visit a small town coffee shop that barely met the safety code and was about as small as the average bedroom with a sum of three, round tables and six, wooden chairs. This place was definitely not for an A-list, state celebrity to frequent.

Shaking my head, I stared at the check further, my eyes going wide upon the sight of a multi-figured number that started with a two and had way too many zeros on the end. A lump formed in my throat the size of Jupiter, refusing to allow me to swallow in surprise, shock, and ultimately disappointment. There was no way this was real. It couldn't be. Mallory Morgan didn't just give money out to some community college, part time barista.

I've received a lot of what can be considered backlash for Esme's character, and her partners. Let's be real here—she's not a lesbian. I never stated she was, not implied it. If anything, she's bisexual, which is made very clear. Any problems with that should be discussed with me privately. And by discussion, I really mean you can have your opinion and message me, but don't be an asshole, and don't expect it to change anything. Thanks!

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