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I woke up in the morning tangled up in Kankuro's arms. I didn't push him away, not yet. His body was hot and hard, he smelled exotic, just off his skin. I understood that we enjoyed being in bed together, we did it like three times last night, but my concern was not in the bedroom, but out of it. Would Kankuro understand that he couldn't possibly make me raise Kana by myself for the months, maybe even years, while we would be living together as a family? Kana is going to grow up, start talking and walking, and wonder why his father seems to dislike him, maybe even hate him. That would cause the exact opposite effect of what the Hokage wanted, for the children to grow up in safe loving happy homes, as a family.

I sighed as I heard Kana making noise in his room and I slowly extricated myself from Kankuro's hold. I put on my nightclothes that had been taken off and went into Kana's room. I gasped. He had chewed his way out of his crib, it had a huge hole in it and he had crawled out and was now happily playing with his toys. His mouth was bloody, probably from scratching himself with the sharp wood, but he wasn't crying, just playing happily.

I got a baby wipe and cleaned his face, telling him sternly, "You aren't to leave your crib like that Kana, its dangerous! And you've put a hole in it, now we have to buy you a new one. And you hurt yourself, that's not good." Once the blood was off, I saw he didn't have any wounds, so he had healed already, but I wasn't happy, not at all.

Kana stared up at me. His slit eyes began to well up. "I-I'm sorry," he whimpered, the tears coming down. "I'm a bad boy!" He began to howl, sobbing loudly.

I was too stunned as I realized he was talking and just stared at him as he wailed.

"KIBA! Make him shut up!" I saw Kankuro standing in the doorway, clasping his hands over his ears and he shouted again, "Make him stop crying!"

I tugged Kana into my chest and began to rock him back and forth, hushing him. "If you're sorry, you won't do it again, right?"

"Great Kami look at the crib!" Kankuro saw the giant hole chewed out in the crib with wide incredulous eyes and his mouth contorted. "Look what that brat did to it! I don't have money to replace that, it cost hundreds of dollars!"

"He just was bored and he wanted to get out," I tried to speak up for him, but Kankuro stormed over and snatched Kana from my arms with one hand, his other hand slapped Kana on the bottom. I covered my mouth, watching with scared eyes.

"You don't do that again, got it," Kankuro demanded at his son, who whimpered. "Don't chew anything that's not food, understand?"

Kana nodded, sniffling as he was getting ready to cry.

"Shut up!" Kankuro slapped his bottom again. "Don't cry, you're a man, not a baby. Men don't cry, got it?"

Kana nodded and said in a wet shaking voice, "Yes Daddy. I'm sorry."

Kankuro looked stunned and shocked at the same time at his title. He dropped Kana's arm, leaving him to fall onto the floor then Kankuro walked out. The bedroom door slammed.

Kana covered his mouth as he began to cry again, trying to make sure Kankuro didn't hear. I quickly scooped him into my arms and hushed him. I felt tears in my eyes. I didn't know how to feel. Kankuro had acted like a father just then, he was disciplinary and stern, he was talking and even touching him. Its true, I wished it hadn't been in that way, but Kankuro had every right to be upset, even my parents would have hit me if I had chewed a hole into my crib, but still, Kana is only a baby and he scared him.

"He won't hit you again," I told Kana who was shuddering into silence. "He was just upset. And if you don't chew up anything else, he'll be happy, okay?"

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