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Once I set Kana down when we entered the house, he dove onto the nearest piece of furniture and started to grind his teeth aggressively on the wooden leg, drool coming down in a waterfall. I groaned and quickly searched in the shopping bags for the chew toy I bought for him. I lifted up the toy bone and squeezed it so it squeaked. "Here Kana, over here!"

He looked up with bright eyes.

"Go get it!" I tossed it across the room. Kana galloped after it on all fours and gobbled it into his mouth using his face and began to roll back and forth over the floor, growling as he chomped down on the rubber toy.

He made me laugh but I got a cloth and cleaned up the drool then hoped Kankuro wouldn't notice the toothy indents on the chair leg. I doubted he would, homeboy was rarely home as it was. Speak of the devil, the door was opening and Mr. Man himself walked in.

He saw me kneeling on the floor and his sharp brown eyes saw the tooth marks. Then his eyes looked over at Kana enthusiastically chewing on his bone toy.

I stood up and quickly blocked Kankuro's line of sight as he stepped forward hostilely. "He's just a baby Kankuro and he's teething, that means his teeth are growing in and they hurt him, so he chews to make his gums feel better."

"I know what teething is, I have a little brother." Kankuro rolled up his sleeves, his eyes were dead serious. "But Gaara didn't go around ruining expensive furniture. First a crib that cost nearly five hundred bucks, now the armchair? What's going to go next? My TV?"

I stood firm even as Kankuro's aggressive aura was making my stomach shiver. "I don't want you to beat him. You scared him once, it should be enough. Just talk to him."

"I don't want to talk to him and that doesn't work with kids anyway. They only understand after you hit them, otherwise they'll walk all over you." Kankuro walked around me and Kana ran into a corner, cowering.

I rushed to stand in front of Kana, blocking Kankuro's way with my body. "I said I don't want you to hit him!" My voice elevated as my heart began to pump faster, as I heard Kana start to cry behind me, it was muffled as he covered his mouth, remembering the lesson his father had taught him. "I told him you wouldn't hit him again, please, just sit down and talk like a normal person! If you keep hitting him he'll just become scared of you! Is that what you really want?"

Kankuro shouted, "I DIDN'T WANT ANY OF THIS! I didn't know what that experiment was for, I didn't give a shit! I just liked the idea of masturbating in public and I wouldn't get in trouble for it! So call me kinky, I don't give a damn! What I DO give a damn about is a little monster eating up all this expensive furniture I shelled out to pay for and thinking he can get away with it without getting in trouble! Now move your fat ass out of the way Kiba!"

"NO!" I screamed back and shoved Kankuro backwards as hard as I could but he only fell one step backwards. "Get out of my house if all you can do is be abusive to my son!"

"Oh NOW he's your son?" Kankuro advanced, stepping into my personal space, eyes livid and his mouth snarled up. "All you can do is blab on about how he's my son too but once I start trying to act like a father you want me to back off? Fine, I'll back off! I'm outta here!"

Kankuro walked out and slammed the door behind him. I slumped down and began to cry into my hands, feeling awful. Did that really just happen? I thought with that last conversation things would get better but its only gotten worse!

The door was knocked on rapidly and loudly. "Kiba!" It was my mother Tsume. "Kiba let us in!"

I managed to get up and stumble towards the door, I was crying too hard to see and my body felt weak. I let in Tsume, along with Katuza and Hana carrying the new crib. Tsume hugged me against with her with one strong arm, and she growled, "We shoulda have knocked his ass out Katuza! Let's kill that Sand bastard!"

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