The test

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The Donation

"Good, good," purred Orochimaru at the group of Jounin level candidates as well as several from the Chunnin class. "Please find a seat, we'll begin momentarily."

The auditorium had been sectioned off with large cardboard slabs to make cubicles. Inside each section was a chair, a table with the collection jar and a stack of porno rags.

"This is so wrong," mumbled Iruka under his breath.

Kakashi actually felt slightly unnerved as well, everyone here were ninjas, that meant they all had great hearing. He was pretty kinky, but he didn't want his friends to hear him jacking off. That was until Kabuto was passing out earplugs and he felt much better.

So Asuma, Kakashi, Iruka, Kankuro, Gaara and Sasuke all got settled, Kankuro and Gaara were on opposite sides of the room, and Kakashi and Iruka also tried to sit as far away from each other as possible.

"BEGIN," called out Orochimaru, making a motion for everyone to put on their earplugs and the lights only slightly dimmed. Then it turned out those earplugs were more, as soft whimpering female sounds of arousal began to play from them.

Iruka felt very uncomfortable, but he focused on the sounds and stared very intently at the sexual positions featured in the porn magazines. He would be damned if Kakashi found out he couldn't even orgasm to something as simple as this.

Asuma didn't need the magazines, he closed his eyes and pretended the voice was Kurenai and thought about her body to get out his semen and as much as he could. He didn't want Kakashi to think he was some punk and he had to show out Iruka too.

Kakashi didn't try to hurry and be done, hell, this was some first class masturbation treatment. He had dimmed lights, really nice magazines and the sounds in his ears were perfect. He was going to enjoy this and pump out as much cum as he could. This was nice!

Kankuro soaked up the magazines and the sex voice to get a raging erection and began up a steady stream into the collection container. Didn't he say this was going to be easy?

Sasuke didn't know what exactly he had been thinking to rope himself into this, but at least it had been made simple for him, though he would prefer to be home in his bed or the bathroom at least rather than at school in the gym with a bunch of other dudes all trying to masturbate too. He was thankful for the sex earplugs, he couldn't hear anything but the sexual female sounds. So with a sigh, he got to it.

Gaara stared at the magazines, the collection cup and heard the whining sexual sounds in his ear. Is this even an appropriate school activity? Does Orochimaru have some sort of clearance for this? Why am I here again? Do I really have to do this? Why am I doing this? Gaara didn't remember actually saying he had been going to, but somehow he had signed up and now he was here. He thought about just walking out but then Kankuro would just brag even louder and hold his 'success' over him, especially if his semen was used for the experiment. Shaking his head, Gaara got to business.

When it was over, the auditorium had a distinct musky smell to it and the air conditioner had been turned on high, the lights back on all the way.

"Thank you, make sure you've labeled your sample and put the magazines there, then go into the room there to give your DNA sample to Kabuto, thank you for participating." Orochimaru smiled widely as the Jounin and Chunnin level ninjas formed a line to give him their containers of semen and the magazines.

Sasuke gave his semen and DNA then hurriedly left, he was very embarrassed at what he had just done and hoped his father didn't find out. Honestly, masturbating in public? Itachi will laugh his ass off...

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