Past [part 1-2]

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First Meeting 

You were just a young teen age girl on the age of 15 named [y/n] [l/n] when you met him for the first time.

You were trying to make some sweets to you big brother to be good friends again.
You and your big brother had a big argument and you ended up being REALLY pissed off at each other.
You had worked really hard and wanted everything to be good again, and now..

You were sitting on a bench in the park, all alone and sad with you head lowered holding your tears back. With all the full blooming sakura threes around you, a faint sound of kids playing with each other, other people having their conversations, all having a good time, that is except you.

That's when HE came.

A boy with purple middle long hair and almost looking like a giant sat on the bench besides you, it didn't take long before he saw the sweets you were holding on to, they looked so good, it was nothing like he had ever seen before.

"Ne, were did you by those sweets, they look really good" He was talking to you as he licked his lips.

"You want some, here you can have it" You said slowly putting on the most happy and gentle smile you could.

"Really, Arigato" You could hear he was surprised at first but then took the sweets almost like he was just a big child.
You heard him munching on the sweets and he really seemed to enjoy them, which really made you happy.

He seemed to notice that you were looking at him with the corner of the eyes which made him curios.

"Ne, Why don't you eat them yourself?" He asked, which took you kinda off guard

"W-well," You were still thinking about how to answer that, you really were cut off guard, excepting he didn't want to hear the whole story and that it just would bore him.
"It's kinda a long story" Was all of an answer you could come up with.

"Then why don't try to explain" He said while munching on the sweets you gave him.

"Eh, you sure you wanna hear? I don't wanna bore you" You were looking at the ground but saw that from the corner of your eyes that he gave you a small nod signalling for you to continue. So you just began.
"Well, me and my big brother came into an argument for a couple weeks ago, I wanted to make him some sweets and maybe sit down and talk it all over so we could become friends again." You were taking a little break seeing if he still was hearing, to your surprise he was, he even looked a little shocked. Before you could ask if something was wrong he spoke up.

"Ne, so you made these sweets" He asked, you just gave him a small nod which caused the confused look on his face disappeared.
Then he gave you a nod you knew meant to continued the story.

"I was trying to give the sweets to him just a couple hours ago, b-but" Tears was starting to make their was towards your cheeks but you continued anyway.
"He rejected them completely. H-he said, that I was useless at things like this, that he NEVER wanted to take anything from me" Now you were really crying you couldn't hold your tears back any more, but before you knew it, you could feel a big hand on your head.

"That's his problem, these are really good. I have never tasted anything as good at this" He said still with his big hand on your head, this caused you to look at him for the first time to see how he actually looked you were shocked at first but that explained how his hand was so big, because HE was HUGE.

"T-thanks" You said wiping your tears away, you couldn't really explain it but, after hearing those words you weren't really sad any more.
"I'm [y/n] [l/n], who are you?" You asked him a small smile came visible on your face.

"My name is Atsushi Murasakibara, nice to meet you [l/n]-chin" You giggled at the little nick name he gave you.

"Nice to meet you too, Murasakibara-kun" You said giving him a big heart warming smile.

Sweet Giant (Atsushi x Reader) [Short story]Where stories live. Discover now