Future [Part 3-3] (End)

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  Married With Family

8 months had passed, there were only about a week until you were supposed to give birth, but you know sometimes things don't go exactly like they are planned.
Here you were lying in a hospital bed beginning a week to early the baby was already on the way.

_A Couple Hours Back_

You were sitting in the couch and eating some ice cream and a lot of other snacks, your pregnancy gave you of a wired reason that you really ate much candy and sweets, that didn't make Atsushi that happy considering that he has to share his candy with you.
'Only because it makes you feel better' That's what he would say and it really did, when you ate the sweets you felt like all the pain in your stomach disappeared you could only concentrate on the sweet taste. (Back to the story)

You were just lying there having a good time, when you suddenly began to feel pain. At first you just thought it was strange but them you felt that this was somehow diff rent than before, this felt even more painful.
You began to breath harder and even some times you would yelp in the pain you felt, until.

"ARG, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" You yelled up causing Atsushi coming out from the kitchen seeing what was wrong with his wife.
"GOD, THIS HURTS LIKE HELL!" You yelled even louder this caused Atsushi to chock his head in surprise.
You could feel something itching to come out of your stomach that's when it hit you.

"[y/n]-chin, whats wrong?" He asked kinda coked in his face expression (As surprised he can look)
You were beginning to panic, you didn't know what to do.

"Atsuhi, call the doctor the-the" You said as you had taken a deep breath but you needed a break because of the pain before you spoke further.
"THE BABY IS COMING" You then yelled unable to control your self anymore it just hurt too much.

_A Couple Hours Front (Were we started)_

Now here you were, feeling big pain and screaming like you were about to die from the pain.
You were breathing heavily and pushing with all your might.
Beside you sat Atsushi he was holding your hand tight you could see a little bit of pain in his expression both because every time you felt pain you basically crushed his hand and because he didn't like to see you like that at all.
You looked like you were in total pain which you was, but he didn't like seeing you being hurt.


One last push and suddenly you felt a lot better, your stomach didn't hurt at all any more and it was like it was becoming smaller and smaller every second, you were just so god dram tired.
Then you heard it, a small child's cry, the baby was out and the doctors were making her ready for you and Atsushi to see.

They laid the baby besides you, it was a girl, she was so little but except the size she looked kinda like her father.
She had the same purple hair like her father, but she had your [e/c] eyes.
You and Atsushi were both smiling at each other then at the baby.

"What should we call her~?" Atsushi asked relived that it was over (At least for now)

"I don't know, what do you think Atsushi~?" You asked him with a wide grin on your face you were relived as well, even more that Atsushi but of course it was you who gave birth after all, one thing he will never understand is the pain of giving birth but the happiness that follows is worth it.

"[d/n] (Daughter name, because i really don't know)!" He answered after thinking for a bit. You just smiled and nodded to him.

'[d/n] i'm sure you are gonna live happy with me and daddy' You thought smiling to the baby in your arms smiling back at Atsushi.
6 Years later.

You, Atsushi and [d/n] was in the amusement park, celebrating [d/n] 6 years old birth day.
Atsushi was eating some sweets while [d/n] sat on his shoulder's while eating her own candy, and you were going beside Atsushi holding his hands while eating you ice cream.

"Ne, mom can i get more candy" [d/n] asked after she finished the sweets she was eating, you giggled to yourself thinking of how much she looked like a little chibi version of her dad just a girl.

"I think you have had enough for now [d/n]" You said to her, which caused her to pout, if there was one point were she looked like her father the most was it the way she could eat almost a ton of sweets each day if you let her, Atsushi could of course still eat a LOT more that [d/n] could.
But you always stopped them before they got stomach aching.

"What about you [y/n]-chin, you eat a lot too~" Atsushi said teasing you. You answered pointing at him.
he did know exactly why you ate so many sweets.
Yup you were pregnant for the second time, after all Atsushi really wanted a boy, at least that's what he said.

"Ne mom!" [d/n] Spoke up and pointed at one of the big roller coaster "I wanna try that one~" she said a wide grin on her face.

"[d/n]-chin, you cant you are to small~" Atsushi teasing your daughter who looked at her father with a kinda disappointed look, you couldn't help but a giggle came out, Atsushi and [d/n] really looked cute together as they had their small arguments.

"Then I'm gonna become tall, just as tall as daddy then i can try ALL the roller coasters i want" [d/n] spoke up while having both her arms up in the air with a bit grin on her face.
You and Atsushi looked at each other then smiled to each other and the both of you began to giggle.

"Be care full, if you get to tall you just end up not could try anything~" You said teasing you daughter.

"Eh!?" She coked her head taking her arms down again. "Then I'm gonna become big, but not too big" She then said cheering up again.

Your family sure was a nice one

and soon enough

It would become even bigger.

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