Past [Part 2-2]

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The confession 

It had been 9 mounts since you and Murasakibara met each other.
You got to attend Yosen High after you finished middle school.
And Murasakibara had gone to his second year at Yosen.

A lot had happen between you and Murasakibara.
First: you now call him Mura-kun.
And Second: the two of you are much closer which earned you to fall in love with him.

The school bell just rang and you were heading to Mura-kun's class to pick him and Himuro-kun to eat lunch together on the roof like you usually do.

"Mura-kun, Himuro-kun, are you ready to go" You asked after you saw the two males packing their things.

"Yeah, we are ready now, lets go Atsushi" Himuro said to the tall giant beside him who gave him a nod and followed him out of the class room.
As you turned around to follow you could feel a evil stares in your neck, it was all Himuro's fan girls.
You have told them all that you didn't like him that way, MANY times, no seriously he was like a brother to you. But of course that didn't work on those girls just that you were so close to Himuro made them all filled up with jealousy.
But since that happened a LOT of times you were getting good at ignoring it and so you did as you followed Murasakibara and Himuro to the roof.

_At The Roof_

You and Himuro was eating your bento's and Murasakibara was eating all his snacks and the sweets you had made to him.
After you and Murasakibara met each other you have been making sweets for him all the time and almost every day you made sweets for him to eat at lunch at the school, it made you happy that he enjoyed the sweets you made him.

"Ne, [l/n]-chin these are really good as well" Murasakibara said as he munched the sweets you had made him today.

"Thanks Mura-kun" You said as you smiled that bright smile of yours which cause the purple haired giant to slightly blush.
The thing is thou the years he ALSO had fallen for you, he just hadn't admitted it like you haven't yourself.
The only one who knew this was Himuro, he knew that the both of you liked each other but he had PROMISED not to tell ANY ONE of you.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go down for a second, I have something to talk about with the coach" Himuro said leaving the two of you alone on the roof.
You could see a smirk on his face, he had NOTHING to talk about with the coach.

The silent filled the roof for some time the only thing to hear was the wind blowing and Murasakibara eating his 'bento' (Snacks and sweets).
The silence first broke when Murasakibara finished eating an spoke up.

"Ne [l/n]-chin?" He asked

"What is it Mura-kun?" You said for him to continue.

"Do you remember the day we met?" He then said, that was a wired question you thought.
But of course you remembered, you wouldn't forget if you tried to. Already that day there was something about him. Maybe it was love at first sight?

"I do, you were so sweet. Even thou I was just a stranger, I can't thank you enough" You answers the question you could feel your cheeks grew a little pink almost like a cherry three as you smiled at him, but for some reason you didn't really care. You sat up to look at him only to see him and his face a light pink colour on his face as well, which cause you to giggle.
You didn't see that he was going straight towards you until you opened you eyes again.

He stood right in front of you you both gazed into each others eyes and for the time it felt like you were the only two there, it was like they weren't on the roof it was like it was just the two of you standing there in nothing.
That's when you shocked you head and snapped back to reality, this time you weren't a sakura three you were more like a tomato.

"Y-you know Mura-kun, I k-kinda.." You were starting but Murasakibara wasn't paying attention, the only thing he could concentrate on was your lips, he could see that they were moving but his brain didn't get the words, HE was STILL in his own little world.
"W-what I'm trying to say is th-" You were cut off, not because you saw he didn't pay attention, You were cut off by a pair of lips there was on yours.

At first you were shocked and confused about what JUST happened, but you slowly gave into the kiss and kissed him back as well.

When you both pulled away from each others lips who were together just about 4 minuts you were still hugging and now gazing at each other again.

"S-so does that mean y-you like me t-too?" You asked him first then he choked his head and came back to reality.

"Huh, how do you know I like you [l/n]-chin?" He asked surprised.

"Ehh, how would I not, YOU just kissed me!" You said.

"I DID!?" He was almost yelling this causing you to giggle a bit even thou you were still shocked about he didn't know about his own actions it was so out of his character to yell. You gave him a nod to him for him to see that he heard right.
"Ne, I guess that makes us a couple now, ne, [y/n]-chin?" He said suddenly back in his childish tone like he always used. Which kinda shocked you, but you were still happy, and after some time you smiled at him and answers.

"I guess it does, Atsushi-kun" You said as the both of you leaned against each other to kiss each other.
This Kiss was diff rent, this kiss none of you were shocked you both started the kiss both kissing back.
The kiss got more passionate as he licked you lower lip, asking for entrance to your mouth, after some time when you were a little time  you allowed him to enter.
The both of you stood there in a passionate kiss were both you tongueswere playing with each other.

Himuro was looking at the both at you kissing from the corner of the door to the roof.
"About time the two of them confessed" He whispered to himself.

Sweet Giant (Atsushi x Reader) [Short story]Where stories live. Discover now