Future [Part 2-3]

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Married And Pregnant

It has now been about 2 mounts since you and Atsushi got married.

Your mom was accepting it fully but your dad was still as always, but Atsushi's parents were totally okay with it.
You were living a happy life, but even so you kinda thought something were missing, you don't know exactly what but something was missing.

Lately you had a bad stomach causing you to stay at home, you didn't really know what was going on, you didn't eat anything bad or anything like that, you just felt bad.
It started about 1 month ago, you still don't know why thou.
One day you became tired of not knowing what was going on and you had decided to get to the doctor to get it checked.


"Okay Miss. Murasakibara i have finished some samples and I have found a results for your condition" Your doctor said, after you had been trying in a lot of diff rent samples before finally figuring it out.

"Then what is it!?"You asked excited you would finally find out why you were having it so bad, of course you were a little nervous too.
What if it was something bad?

"Let me first congrats you-" Now you were really curious, but at least you now knew it wasn't something bad like, cancer.
"You are pregnant in your fist month almost second. No wonder you have a bad stomach" Your doctor said with a smile on his face.

You on the other hand was choked, you didn't know what to say. On some point you were really happy but you didn't know what Atsushi would say about it. What if he didn't want a kid, you weren't sure you could get an abortion, you mean its the same as killing life.
What more surprised you were HOW? well since you and Atsushi are married it only natural that you two do stuff like that.

"H-how" You asked you self out loud having your hands holding your head.

"Miss. Murasakibara, you are a grown up woman I'm pretty sure you know 'how' that happens" Your doctor giggled while answering.

"I-i know that" You were mumbling "Anyways thank you, I'll be going home" You said smiling at him, you were happy to know it wasn't something bad, but you couldn't help but feel uneasy, what would Atsushi think about this?


"I'm home!" You yelled in the entrance of you and your husband's apartment. You were still thinking about you being pregnant, you were not sure how to tell Atsushi, and if he would get mad and leave or if he would be happy.
Ether way, you needed to tell him, one way or another.

"[y/n]-chin, were have you been, I have been nervous that I couldn't find you~" Atsushi yelled to you as he came running forward to you, getting you into a tight embrace causing you to cuddle into his chest.

"Eh, sorry Atsushi. I was just at the doctor's office to see what was wrong" You answered him, so he shouldn't worry any more.

"Then? What was wrong?" He asked obviously curious and still worried, this causing you to chock your head. You didn't know if you were ready to say it yet.

"Eh- never mind, I feel kinda refreshed today, what about I make dinner tonight~" You said chancing the subject, and that obviously annoyed Atsushi.

When you were walking in the living room on your way to the kitchen, walking past the couch Atsushi grabbed you and smashed you down on the couch him lying on top of you, him holding you down.

"A-atsushi, why did you do that?" You asked him your face as red as a tomato him still lying on top of you.

"[y/n]-chin is hiding something, I wanna know~?" He said getting his face closer to your face as he cupped your cheeks so the both of yours eyes met and the both of you gazed at each other, in his eyes you could see the look, he was worried.
You just had to tell him now, even if you weren't ready, you needed to tell him NOW.

"Y-you see Atsushi" You began as you tried to move your gaze to another place then in Atsushi's violet eyes, but it was no use you couldn't stop gazing into his eyes, which again caused you to blush. You then signed nervously as you continued.
"Atsushi, I-I'm.." You began but you weren't ready for this you took a deep breath and then spoke up straight.
"Atsushi, I'm pregnant with your child" You said up straight, there was silence then while you were in your own thoughts.
'I knew it, he is totally mad about this' What was you thought until.

A pair of lips came smashing down on your causing you to moan giving Atsushi entrance to you mouth, you could fast feel much passion, and kissed back, then when you were both out of breath he pulled back leaving the both of you trying to breath normally again.
When you both had got your breath again Atsushi spoke up again, sitting fully up and embracing you in a tight hug.

"Do you think its gonna be a boy or a girl~?" He whispered sweet into your ear, none less to say you were happy that he excepted it.

"I hope its a girl~" You said with a sweet smile on your face.

"I hope its a boy~" He said and turned you around to face him (Or rather his chest) and hugging you even tighter forcing you into his chest cuddling your head against his chest, the both of you smiling.

"And if its a girl, we can always try a second time~" This caused you to blush as a tomato, Atsushi giggled and cuddled his head in your neck.

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