Chapter 27

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An unknown place.

- Humanity's stronghold, you say?

- That's right! We are the descendants of great heroes, and our goal is to save people from the tyranny of arrogant, disgusting and cruel supernatural beings! - Heracles intervened, puffing up his chest proudly.

This is such obvious propaganda that I don't even know what to say. And actually, it sounds like bullshit.

- Oh, it does? But it's still not clear to me what this has to do with me. - I said disinterestedly, starting to clean my ear with my little finger.

- Romani Archaman, you don't need to hide your power," Cao Cao said in a soothing tone that made my eyebrow twitch, "I'm not much of a magician, but Georg is. He has labeled you as a very talented magician, and we would like you to join our cause. Humanity needs people like you.

- Marked? Is he some new species of humanoid mammal?

- You're wrong," Georg said irritably and adjusted his glasses, "Our leader simply chose the wrong word. But he's right nonetheless. If my observations are correct, and they are, then you are a very promising mage, because your mana reserves are twice as high as those of the average human.

Hmmm... And that's what he considers a talent? Apparently, they're severely understaffed. And it's probably because of Gilgamesh's attacks on them.

- Oh... So you've been watching me like a common pervert? - I made a face. Disgusting.

- You misunderstood, Mr. Archaman, - Cao Cao tried to keep a smile on his face - We are constantly watching people, looking for talents among them. And we need people like you.

- Oh, p-

- Why are we being ceremonious with him, Cao Cao? We could just take him by force. - Hercules interrupted me.

This ghoul is starting to annoy me. And the fact that he goes by the same name as Berserker makes him as ridiculous as possible.

- Okay, I get it. You're just a bunch of perverts consisting of a stalker, a humanoid mammal, and a "special" gym-goer. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in your merry band. - I waved it off.

Cao Cao and Georg were quite tolerant of my character, unlike the third member of their group....

- That's it! You're coming with us! - Hercules shouted and, stretching out his fist, came at me... However, he was blocked by the blue magic circle with Solomon's seal, which I, of course, hid.

His impact with the circle released a small wave of power. Not bad... for a Servant with power rank E. Hercules' eyes widened in surprise, and Cao Cao and George's gazes became serious.

- Oh? Would you be so kind as to not come within ten meters of me? I wouldn't want your 'special' vibes to get on me. - I said and lightly waved my hand in his direction.

And from this movement there was a strong stream of wind, which threw Hercules and sealed him into the nearest cliff, forcing him to fly five hundred meters. And my eyes only now discerned the environment I was in. It was some rocky terrain with all the rocks, trees, and a big mountain in the distance. Well, that's a good place to go.

And most importantly, let off some steam.

- By the way, - I started casually, while Georg and Cao Cao were studying me and preparing for the fight, and a wide grin blossomed on my face - Are you looking for new members so zealously because of a certain blond man with red eyes and his friend with green hair?

- How do you know that? - Georg tensed up.

- 'Because he works for me, you humanoid mammal.

- Bastard! Do you realize how many members we've lost! - he shrieked, and various magical circles appeared around him - So much work has been lost for nothing and all because of you and your six!

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