Chapter 77

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I sat on the chair I had created and crossed my arms over my chest, looking at my surroundings. Five of the monsters were dead, and their pierced bodies were slowly bleeding black as pitch, further beautifying my surroundings.

Still the same hall, still the same torchlight, still the same stone walls. And still the same shackled Anma that still hung on the wall. He looked better now than he had when I arrived here.

A little magic and Anma would be healthy as an ox, but I wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him. Why? The symbols on the walls around here were similar to what I'd seen in the village, and most importantly, this silhouette in a cloak called Anma 'brother'. In addition, I was unable to find him even by using 3rd magic to its fullest.

Interestingly enough, when that cloak spoke, but it didn't lie. I just didn't detect a single bit of lying. Interesting since his aura was definitely embittered, which basically fit with his actions. He only sicced his subordinates on me when he saw my attempt to shackle him. And I didn't feel any hostility myself.

This raises not just questions, but "questions." And so of course I want to figure out what this is all about, and why I feel like I'm dancing to someone else's tune.

The hovering Anma also looked forward, making our gazes meet and uninterrupted. I'm not going to do anything until I get answers, and he'll hang here for the rest of eternity because he can't do anything. I guess.

- So," I began, tapping my finger on my hand, "Is there anything you want to tell me?

Anma was silent, thinking about something. For a long time. I estimated it was about five minutes before he sighed and lowered his head.

- I...I apologize...god...wo-.

- You can stop with the 'god,'" I interrupted and clucked my tongue, "You're not an ordinary man. But a human, which is interesting. My chains are very strong, and they should have held that black cloak back until I let go of it myself. They should have, at least. He's not a god, because if he were three times stronger than me, he wouldn't be able to do it. And he's not human, because he can't do that. I could think of several other possibilities, but let's stick with one particular one... Spirit.

At that word, Anma froze in time for a moment, then took on a defeated look and gave me an apologetic look.

- Spirit. As you told me yourself, they could affect the landscape at will: moving mountains, boiling seas, and things like that. That means they are an extension of nature itself, for it listens to them. Why did I decide that this cloak was a spirit? Because the chains I used are based on the concept of earth and life. And who can be an extension of earth and carry life? - I waved it away, intensifying my gaze.

- Spirits.

- That's right! A prize for this extraordinary man! - I clapped my hands together, feigning joy, and then pulled a stoic expression back on my face - But you go on, I'm listening attentively.

Then the silence resumed, but I didn't rush it. I needed to make it clear that I wasn't leaving here until I got answers. There went five minutes, ten, thirty. But nothing was happening. The smell of blood and rot no longer bothered me as much as the atmosphere of the place. Hanging corpses and blood? A scenery for a scare room, nothing more.

- Do you remember the legend I told you? - He finally began, to which I nodded briefly - It had details I'd hidden.

- Details.

- The spirit that gave life wasn't lost - it was sealed away. The gods that existed before those that exist now made this decision because they feared the power of this spirit. Empty unknown space, where there is no light of the sun, murmuring of water, blowing of the wind, singing of birds or voices of animals. Absolute emptiness.

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