Chapter 63

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The Underworld.

I was in the living room of the Gremory mansion, staring blankly at the ceiling, sprawled in a chair.

The operation had been more or less a success, albeit with a few minor adjustments. Rias's entourage had escaped with relatively minor wounds without any risk of death. And now they were all unconscious in the Gremory Infirmary. Which certainly didn't please Rias's parents, looking at me at the moment and not hiding their anger.

Zeoticus Gremory and Venelana Bael.

To be honest, I wasn't really interested in their opinions. Rather, what I was really interested in was the question of the Gremori's power as a clan.

The Sitri control water, Agares control time, and Belial control the overlay of uselessness. At the same time, the directionality of the Gremori is not mentioned anywhere. What is their inherited power? Do they possess Clairvoyance, albeit severely limited like the Goetia Pillar? Or some trivial use of the elemental? So many questions...

- Ahem... - Rias's mother drew her attention, falsely clearing her throat and trying to speak calmly - Do you understand the reason for our anger, Romani-san?

- Not really. They're alive after all," I shrugged, to which both Venelana and Zeotikus clenched their fists, "Even if you think my methods are unacceptable, it was necessary.

- Necessary?! - Father Rias couldn't stand it - You put them through the slaughter!

- Oh? You should understand the situation yourself. Rias brought this upon herself by adding a Ddraig bearer to her retinue. Power attracts power. That means that whatever he does, trouble will come to him like family, and Rias, too. This experience will linger in their memories for a long time to come, showing the possible consequences of overconfidence and childish attitudes.

- They are still children! - Venelana exclaimed.

Well, that's true. But because the canon is in relative shit and I can't cover for them all the time, I have to act this way. What if they meet a Shadow Servant who doesn't care what, how, or why at all? The chance of that happening is close to zero, but it's not zero, right?

- If they do nothing, they'll stay kids.... in the grave," I looked at them blankly, "I showed them they were weak, shattered their idea of a rosy world with butterflies and rainbow ponies. What was the chance of their survival against Kokabiel if it wasn't for me? Zero or zero? And your daughter, I might add, was almost the first to rush to the front lines.

They chose to remain silent in response.

Rias and her entourage had already gotten a smackdown from Azazel and Sirzechs over it, but it was pretty weak. I realize they would have survived anyway since Vali or the world itself would have intervened, but attacking someone who could definitely kill them if he wanted to? The height of stupidity.

A far preferable choice would have been to run away. What was the point of rushing into battle, risking one's life if nothing would change? Then again, Vali would have dealt with him even without their "heroic" intervention. Just hold the barrier along with Sona's entourage and that's it. In short, no self-preservation instinct at all.

I'm probably going to be very ambiguous, but I only care about Issei's death.

In an instant, while silence hung in the room, the doors opened. It was Rias, Akeno, Issei and Azazel.

- Rias! Are you awake?! How are you feeling!!! - Venalana jumped up.

- Yes, I'm fine," Rias replied calmly. And when she saw me, she got into a fighting stance, and the Power of Destruction gathered in her hands - Why is he here?! He almost killed us!

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