Chapter 54: The Hitman Team

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Austronesia Empire, Imperial Majapahit, East Kalimantan, Tanjung Redeb, In The Streets Of Tanjung Redeb.

YNA 1, Wednesday, 1st Week, Month Of Noah

Screams and cries rang out from the abandoned city as the rebel militants ran about in panic from the sudden spread of destruction. Several parts of the city had seemingly disappeared in the sudden explosions with the fire that seemed to be unable to be doused with water.

"Echo 3-1. Good effect on targets! Viking RTB, good hunting."

"Much obliged, Viking. We'll take it from here."

Another loud sound started to ring in the buildings, an alarm, as Riley and his team were now breaking down a door and making their way toward their objective.

"Heads up."

"Multiple guns, on foot."

"Kami sedang diserang! Temukan orang-orang kami yang hilang, sisanya amankan kirimannya! (We're under attack! Find our missing men, and the rest secure the shipment!)"

"Hold up, let them approach," Riley commanded.

"Ada laki-laki di bidang ini. Temukan mereka dan bunuh mereka! Atau Direktur akan membunuh kita! (There are men on this ground. Find them and kill them! Or the Director will kill us!)"

"Menyebar! Jika Anda melihat sesuatu, tembaklah! (Spread out! If you see anything, shoot it!)"

Riley advanced a bit and gripped his gun. His squadmates waited for him to give the call. Suddenly, flashlights lit up as the enemies approached. Riley had no choice.

"Smoke 'em! Now!"

Riley and his team fired, each taking down a target.

"Clear, force up."

The squad made their way through the area, which is now entirely burning to the ground. There was only but fire and cinders surrounding them, and the trees and the grass everywhere were still burning around the squad as they were walking among dead, burnt bodies of rebel soldiers.

"Looks like someone was playing with fire…" said one of the squadmates mockingly.

"Serves 'em right," another replied.

As they approached the front gate, a burning watchtower started to crumble right in front of them.

"Watch out!" yelled a squadmate, making everyone step back.

The tower collapsed into the flames, triggering another explosion.

"Shit…" a squadmate muttered.


The Hitman Team immediately turned around, weapons raised, only to find one of the rebel soldiers came in front of them with his whole body burned as he crawled towards them.

"Please…Help me..!"

One of the soldiers grunted in distaste as he aimed his weapon and shot the man in the head.

"Ugh…" he growled, clearly showing his disgust for his own actions.

"Hey, you did good. We gotta pull them out of their misery…" Riley said as he tried to comfort his mate. "There's nothing we can do. He is already dead…"

"I know… I know…" the soldier replied in a clearly annoyed tone, clearly unhappy with what he had to do.

Riley sighed at him before going ahead, leading his squad into the burning facility as they were checking every corner while making their way.

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