Kingdom of High Tarxa, New Tarxa, High Elven Ville, Tarxan Palace, In The Throne Room.
1st Year of God, Thursday, 2nd Week, Month Of Jacob.
A week had already passed, and the backhanded ways of the Tarxans had sent shockwaves throughout the entire civilization zone. They gathered every piece of evidence they could find and pointed it squarely at the Iron Kingdom to add even more salt into the wound. The Tarxans even recorded their conversation with the Dwarven diplomat, adding weight to their accusations.
Though the Tarxans had played the Iron Kingdom dirty, the Iron kingdom has no proper ways to even remotely refute all the claims as all everything that has happened so far, as the evidence was tied to dwarven specialties, like their magical technologies, making the Iron Kingdom's denials ring hollow, and all they could do was offer weak protests.
No matter how hard the Iron Kingdom tried to reject every claim and accusations that was pushed against them, alas, it was all too pointless as they were faced with widespread international condemnations. The problem was too much of a grave thing, and the international community of the Third Civilization Zone demanded remuneration for the actions attributed to them, demands that was vehemently denied by the Iron Kingdom.
From that point on, escalations after escalations started to arise, with other factions vying to secure better deals with the dwarves. But the dwarves were all too prideful and refused to be swayed.
Austronesian Peoples Empire, Imperial Maharlika, Manila, Malacanang Palace, Inside A Meeting Room In Malacanang Palace.
1st Year of God, Thursday, 2nd Week, Month Of Jacob.
Emperor Juan Delroy Maximo entered the meeting room, where several high-ranking military officials or the entire general staff of the Military rose to greet him. With a brief nod, the Emperor took his seat at the center of the table while his gaze swept over the room before he began the meeting himself.
"Situation report!" he commanded.
Without delay, the generals and admirals presented their updates one by one, with the naval admiral speaking first.
"Your Majesty, we've recommissioned older warships, and they're ready for service once again. However, it will take some time to fully refit them with modern equipment, such as the latest generation of fire control systems. For now, though, they are seaworthy. We've replaced the most rusted components and completed maintenance on the engines and other key systems."
The Emperor's posture relaxed slightly as he heard the admiral's report.
"How many military vessels and warships are operational at this moment?" he asked.
The admiral straightened his necktie and answered promptly.
"With the reactivation of our older ships, we now have a fleet of six thousand ships, over one thousand of which are warships. In total, we can field ten full fleets. These include 180 destroyers, 160 frigates, 80 light cruisers, 40 heavy cruisers, 20 assault carriers, 10 battleships, 10 carriers, 500 gunboats, and 80 submarines. All of various classes, evenly distributed among the fleets. We've built up this stockpile as the threat of war from our previous world demanded such preparation."
The Emperor's eyes widened slightly in surprise at the scale of the navy. With such a force, certainly they could sustain an invasion while maintaining defense of the home islands. But that's where the problem is, protecting an empire composed of thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of islands. Could even this vast navy manage to protect each island to the fullest?

First Light of a New Age
Science FictionIn a distant realm where magic thrives, ferocious beasts shake mountains and rivers with their mighty roars, and individuals wield superhuman strength capable of reshaping their surroundings. It is a magical world where the strong rules. But rampant...